frightening satistics
the membership has now exceeded 3,000

so where does it go from here.!

In the two weeks before the 3,000 was reached
there were 70 new members
which works out at 35 per week or 1,800 per year
this is an increase of 60% on the year

so a 60% increase
every year would mean that
in the year 2010 there will be 4,800 members
by 2011 there will be 7,680 members
by 2020 there will be 527,766 members
by 2031 there will be 92,845,503 members
which is more than the total population of the UK.
although these figures seem pretty far-fetched
they are mathematicaly correct
so the moral of the story is
dont believe in all the satistics and projections

which are thown at us daily
or stand by to see 92million motorhomes on our roads soon