Once you've owned a camper or moho and actually used it more than once or twice a year, then it's only if you aren't completely bitten by "the bug" would you be ever likely to ask this question.
Either that or you're a blinkin' accountant!!!

I have never looked at our campers as a "financial asset". I understand that everybody's personal, financial and life circumstances differ, but what a camper is worth in cold £££ is (happily!) irrelevant to us now. Plus it hasn't cost us a massive amount of money in relative terms, so not an especially huge chunk of money "tied up" in it, especially with the high cost of most new things in today's world. And hopefully our latest "old" camper will outlive me.

Owning a moho or camper is the bee's knees to me, and in so many different, pleasurable and useful ways.
You can't put a £££ price on that.
If you're even asking yourself the question, and you're still physically capable of driving a moho/camper, and can afford to do so, then maybe the pastime is not such a big deal for you, and you are right to be contemplating the £££ "value for money" aspect and considering "getting rid"?
I have known many people over the years who have parted with things that gave them immense pleasure, but only because they've been forced to due to financial constraints (sudden change in circumstances - marriage, children, divorce, life in general... !).
But if you're not facing any of those situations, what's the point of the question...?