Please choose your favorite sticker

Please choose your favorite sticker

  • I choose sticker 1

    Votes: 163 44.5%
  • I choose sticker 2

    Votes: 203 55.5%

  • Total voters

Sticker 2 is definitely my choice as it's distinctive and unusual and therefore unlikely to be confused with any other W.
Sticker 1 is bland - it's 'just a W'.
I like the 2nd "W" but how about

leave it
as we
find it

in the same green as the logo
Yup - #2 looks like 90 year old Boobs on a green background I'm afraid !
w signs vote

Sorry guys both designs are crap!
lookers like ****** on your van ?
800+ read the thread and only one noticed ? or is it only one is anally retentive enough to want to point it out

favorite - it depends what dictionary you use and what is the main language of the computer, both can be correct. Now we will have a vote on which word :yeahthat: to use. :goodluck:
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What I find unbelievable about this thread is the number of members who joined the forum a long time ago and have never (or hardly ever) bothered to post before on any subject pertaining to wildcamping and now post about a bleeding logo.

I think that I will not bother obtaining one when they are available as it seems many wildcampers are not my sort of people. I will remain anonymous and like Dezi and Old Arthur said on the other thread, I will run the other way when I see one.
Plain English Please !

I hate signs/lettering that does not do what its supposed to do.....inform ! The second one looks like an ad for the green antler society....if such exists ? Keep it simple !

What I find unbelievable about this thread is the number of members who joined the forum a long time ago and have never (or hardly ever) bothered to post before on any subject pertaining to wildcamping and now post about a bleeding logo.

I think that I will not bother obtaining one when they are available as it seems many wildcampers are not my sort of people. I will remain anonymous and like Dezi and Old Arthur said on the other thread, I will run the other way when I see one.

You sound like a child who's just had his teddy taken from him. Not everyone has the time or inclination to comment on all threads on every forum they subscribe to; grow up, and stop the bad language too. Your type puts me off this site.
By the way, you can find lots of teddys wanting a new home in a charity shop near you.
If we are to have a logo then let it be the one at the top left of the page, it say what we are and says what it means.. :hammer:
You sound like a child who's just had his teddy taken from him. Not everyone has the time or inclination to comment on all threads on every forum they subscribe to; grow up, and stop the bad language too. Your type puts me off this site.
By the way, you can find lots of teddys wanting a new home in a charity shop near you.

You seem to have plenty of time this morning.

I have plenty of Teddies thank you very much.
Good to have a logo

Throughout South Africa and amongst some National Trust organisations they have adopted the phrase, Take only photos, leave only footprints.

Foot prints are more acceptable than tyremarks but tryemarks are part of our legacy. Maybe we could soften it with ..Take lasting memories, leave fading tyremarks.

Logo 1 or 2? I favour 2 but would prefer 1 if the w was made up of two V,s the middle legs overlapping as if one tent slightly behing the other.

Only opinions, I would actually be happy with either, be good to have a logo, be nice to know when you are meeting a friend.

What I find unbelievable about this thread is the number of members who joined the forum a long time ago and have never (or hardly ever) bothered to post before on any subject pertaining to wildcamping and now post about a bleeding logo.

I think that I will not bother obtaining one when they are available as it seems many wildcampers are not my sort of people. I will remain anonymous and like Dezi and Old Arthur said on the other thread, I will run the other way when I see one.

Are you implying that they have no right to? I think you will find that their subscriptions and opinions are every bit as good as yours.
Guilty as charged!

What I find unbelievable about this thread is the number of members who joined the forum a long time ago and have never (or hardly ever) bothered to post before on any subject pertaining to wildcamping and now post about a bleeding logo.

I think that I will not bother obtaining one when they are available as it seems many wildcampers are not my sort of people. I will remain anonymous and like Dezi and Old Arthur said on the other thread, I will run the other way when I see one.

I plead guilty to this Maingate. Your comment has put all of us newbies and quieter members firmly in our places. I blame the email we received last night
asking us to vote on the sticker design, then after reading the posts, thinking we could add some constructive thoughts?

I also like your idea of remaining anonymous. I'm not a "social wildcamper" (although I've got nothing against them). I'll usually drive a few more miles to find a
spot of my own, away from others. But I still think a club sticker would save me from just waving to any Tom, Dick or Harry on the road (lol).

As for not bothering to post too often, is it my fault that when I see a query on here that I might be able to help with, I find that someone else, often your
good self, has already answered it?? The same goes for any query that I might have myself, so I find the answer is already on the site before I get to post my

On a positive note, I see that this club has 9,348 members, so there is still a chance that 9,347 of them may not be grumpy ones!

Take care.

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I am very pleased with the interest that the email has produced on this subject.

It also gives members a chance to post in a thread where their opinion is important.

I understand that for some members it can be a daunting task just to post a message, not because they have nothing to say but because using this site can be difficult.
So to all those who have engaged with this thread I thank you.

I also understand how some of the members who work hard to keep this site active and entertaining for everyone can get a little miffed when someones first post after being a long time member is negative.

We are all very different people with different tastes and opinions, that said we all share a common love; Motorhomes and wild/free camping/parking (delete as applicable)

I want to be able to pass people on the road and know they are members.
I want to be able to recognise people who share my love.
I do not want grief from "people" over wild camping
I do not want a sticker that is so big people wont use it.
The sticker needs to be a single printed colour so that I can afford to buy 1000's of them
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As well as the 800+ members who have voted here, I have received over 200 emails :help: which I am working my way through!

So if you have sent a "forgot password" request to me you are currently in a queue of over 300 emails, but I am trying to deal with support first!

As well as the 800+ members who have voted here, I have received over 200 emails :help: which I am working my way through!

So if you have sent a "forgot password" request to me you are currently in a queue of over 300 emails, but I am trying to deal with support first!

hire a monkey to lend a hand, he can be the brains of the outfit too ;-)

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