Guilty as charged!
What I find unbelievable about this thread is the number of members who joined the forum a long time ago and have never (or hardly ever) bothered to post before on any subject pertaining to wildcamping and now post about a bleeding logo.
I think that I will not bother obtaining one when they are available as it seems many wildcampers are not my sort of people. I will remain anonymous and like Dezi and Old Arthur said on the other thread, I will run the other way when I see one.
I plead guilty to this Maingate. Your comment has put all of us newbies and quieter members firmly in our places. I blame the email we received last night
asking us to vote on the sticker design, then after reading the posts, thinking we could add some constructive thoughts?
I also like your idea of remaining anonymous. I'm not a "social wildcamper" (although I've got nothing against them). I'll usually drive a few more miles to find a
spot of my own, away from others. But I still think a club sticker would save me from just waving to any Tom, Dick or Harry on the road (lol).
As for not bothering to post too often, is it my fault that when I see a query on here that I might be able to help with, I find that someone else, often your
good self, has already answered it?? The same goes for any query that I might have myself, so I find the answer is already on the site before I get to post my
On a positive note, I see that this club has 9,348 members, so there is still a chance that 9,347 of them may not be grumpy ones!
Take care.