Please choose your favorite sticker

Please choose your favorite sticker

  • I choose sticker 1

    Votes: 163 44.5%
  • I choose sticker 2

    Votes: 203 55.5%

  • Total voters
Hi Phil,
Being A designer, I urge you to use the second 'W' image. The first one is too much like a well known engineering companies Logo style. I don't fancy being parked up and someone comes knocking to borrow a ladder or a spanner!
Using 'W' style 2, as long as your motor is not up side down, then you shouldn't be mistaken for McDonald's!
I would certainly not display either of them. It wouldn't take much thought by some toe rag to rename us Wa*k**s.

'Wild' instead of just 'W' would be better, IMO.

I agree that the slogan is too long, and it won't be see at distance, if anyone bothers to read what it says.

I don't see the need to have anything other than a way of recognising other members.

Stickers are not good way of advertising our aims (slogan) due to their small size.

Got to be the second, as has been pointed out it all ready matches our W in Wildcamping.. No contest!!!!:have fun::
Hmmm... I prefer number 2 because it has more character, but it is just a bit too Gothic for me. So I'm afraid I might just have to sit on the fence leaning a little toward number 2.

Don't sit on the fence, every vote is crucial, number 2 coming with a late run:wacko:
i'm thinking the generic design 1 will just have folks guessing from a distance.....

What does it stand for....

And then they get so close to read it that when you hit the brakes for a corner you get shunted!

The second (in my mind) looks like it belongs, has origin just from it's unique shape as a font.:yeahthat:
If 1 wins i'll spray the 2nd design on my van!:lol-061:
I prefer the 2nd one.
I'd like a couple of stickers, but will be away until November, so will not be able to send sae until then.
Either really!

Gotta say, I opted for the 1st design, however, I don't mind the 2nd either for the reasons others have stated. Now that's sitting on the fence!!!
Number 1 for me, i have problems with number two's:scared:

I don't like either

But I voted for number 1 cos of the Macdonalds saggy baps comments :)
I can't explain why I feel the way I do - no 2 looks somehow 'pagan' which might = "hippy" Not that there's anything wrong with that -it just might close doors, that's all. Can't account for the way I feel at all - and after all what do I know? Either is fine - and I agree wholeheartedley with the poster who said either is better than WC. Hard enough to get rid of the black waste as it is without people queueing up outside!
saggy baps not good, and I am a female!!!
why not more similar to the VW logo??
either that the first one is fine, only fellow vannies will know what it is anyway!!
Favourite sticker

Choosing from the 2, I prefer the no.1 W.
But - overall I'd prefer a sticker with 'Wild Camping' written on it in full.
There's people on ebay design full 'name' logos for £15 to £60. Just a thought!!
(Then the logo design could be the logo on everything - the site and all!!)
Good luck and look forward to the outcome. ; )
I would go with number 2

Number 1 reminds me of the Welsh Water logo whereas number 2 is different and therefore distinctive. I think it needs to stand out more that just a bog standard W.
Sorry to be negative but I like neither. There`s way too much lettering, the big W makes me think of some kind of parking permit, the single colour looks cheap and tacky, I could go on but I`d rather be constructive....

My first thoughts are to have the words "Wild Camp(ing/er)" rather than a letter, then maybe a short and succinct message and/or image showing what we`re about.

I`m slightly concerned too that we are actually identifying ourselves as wild campers when we know there are people out there set dead against us. However, this could be an opportunity to answer their fears, that we don`t actually wreck their land, abuse the facilities, take and don`t pay for anything etc. A sticker/logo that in a few words puts peoples mind at rest, shows them that we care about the countryside, that we are responsible campers, that we appreciate what they have on their doorstep etc.

How long before you decide on a design? Can you throw this open for others to come up with something? I have experience of this and given time will offer some other ideas.
I want to get the stickers ordered this week so I need to choose the final design. You can click on the images to see them bigger.


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No. one it has to be, it's unmistakeable. No two is not right on it's own, and no matter what it may look like it's defiantly upside-down.
Well done Phil

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