Please choose your favorite sticker

Please choose your favorite sticker

  • I choose sticker 1

    Votes: 163 44.5%
  • I choose sticker 2

    Votes: 203 55.5%

  • Total voters
Dont print either !

yes the first W is more contemporary...the second W is a typographical disaster
its neither a sans serif modern W or a proper Serif W ...its a nasty ******* in the true meaning of the has no base of historical reference....its half baked .

The main problem though is that the "legend" is wrong.... leaving tyre tracks is wrong...completely the wrong sentiment.

A logo is just doesnt have to be a corporate statement as well. A logo eventually becomes associated with the values of the dont have to try and spell it all out on day one.

So come up with a punchier shorter statement or leave it out.

As it happens Ive spent 25 years working on corporate identity for some really big companies all over the world I have designed major brands and identities...this doesnt make my personal likes any more valuable than anyone elses
however I do feel if you go ahead without thinking this could do more damage than good .


I wonder if you could come up with a draft that might work? That would be really helpful.

I voted for No.2 also.

Not much fussed on the slogan, not original enough. I did like the one suggested by ???"Share the scene, leave it clean"

So in response to others who suggested sonthing with the words "Wild" in it How about..................

Wild Scene ...Leave It Clean


How long before the poll closes? looks like no 2 is in the running after a slow start:lol-053: What if anything has been decided on a slogan?

I have read the various negative comments about how maybe a sticker would draw unnecessary adverse attention to "us" (WC members & forum activities) and to what we are doing etc. I agree anything which mentions "camping" in the wording is a definite no no:scared: However, It could also be an advantage. The ones most likely to object "nimby's", jobsworth carpark attendants, uneducated general puiblic, B&B owners and so on are not going to know what a "W" sticker is:lol-049:

Look back at this recent thread: Ashliegh from outdooraccess-scotland instigated the dialogue with us (well Phil)and her words:
I've realised from reading round your website that your members are very tuned in with wild camping - it is indeed heartening to see.
These are the kind of people/organizations that hopefully would know what a green "W" is about, and if we put as much effort into lobbying councils and outdoor organizations as discussing typefaces and slogans we could get things moving:wave: We then may get the reaction "oh it's one of those "W" guy's, they're no bother i'll leave 'em alone"

Maybe we need a vote on the slogan next:) Still think mine's the best (incoming..putting crash helmet on)

No. 2 defo.
Agree with others that strapline is way too clumsy and reference to tyre prints wrong
Reminds me of one chosen by Torbay, "Leave nothing but your footprints"...rapidly parody by the locals as "Leave nothing but your money"
Turn the W upside down

Either of the symbols turned upside down would look like tent(s)
Underneath the upturned 'W' I would then have the word 'wild' in small letters.
Instantly understandable Logo.

Just got home from a fab week away in the van... what about this weather?!! (Apologies to those who haven't had a share of the heatwave.)

I'm new to the club, the website and the stickers, so no preconceptions. Of the 2 stickers on offer, I much prefer the 2nd one... much more friendly, relaxed and just a touch of wild! :)

Edit to add...
I agree with a few comments already made and would just add my twopennuth...
Firstly, as mentioned above, a logo is often used without its tagline, so there's no need for words at all on the sticker if consensus can't be reached.
As it stands, I think the tagline is a little wordy tbh, although the sentiment is fine.
The word "away" is totally redundant imho.
As someone said earlier in the thread, a repeat of some kind would make it punchier. For instance, perhaps use the word nothing in both parts of the sentence - 'take nothing but memories, leave nothing but goodwill' --- actually not sure if goodwill is right... I can't think of a really good last word but you get the idea
Actually it could be even simpler... 'take nothing but memories, leave nothing!' Nuff said :D
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What are you thinking Phil? let us know your thoughts please. If you add the number of folks that don't like either to the looser in this poll you get a lot of not so happy campers.

Ok, I thought about this all weekend. Apologies for my lack of artistic ability but here`s what I came up with:

One colour, a "friendly" font, a simple message and a recogniseable image. It could be changed for "Wild Camper(s) - Caring for the Countryside" and I know we don`t just go to the countryside.


  • WildCamping.jpg
    17.7 KB · Views: 69
Well looking at the two designs my wife things No 2 looks like a pair of boobs so thats my choice sorted for me.
There's nothing like a good pair of boobs to get you noticed. lol:
Ok, I thought about this all weekend. Apologies for my lack of artistic ability but here`s what I came up with:

One colour, a "friendly" font, a simple message and a recogniseable image. It could be changed for "Wild Camper(s) - Caring for the Countryside" and I know we don`t just go to the countryside.

i have voted for no2 but i think if we want to promote wilding this is better, if we want a logo just so that we can recognise each other then a plain w with no text is good enough. just my thoughts.
Design 2 looks like the Mc Donalds M upside down. same colour too well here in France.

I think this may have an advantages/disadvantages.

The disadvantage is peeps knocking on you door at night for a big Mac, Particularly a problem if there are Kiwis or Aussies in the vicinity coz they live upside down to us dont they ?

The upside though is a few members can nick a few signs from Maccy Dees and we could use them as pointers when on wild meets etc . Well its sort of recycling our finds.

Also coz the signs are upside down unless from the Antipodes, plod will never cotton on; I m loving it :heart:


This all makes perfect sense Channa — which only goes to prove I must be as barmy as you!

Oh, and 2 gets my vote.
How about a nice green SNAIL?? Seeing as how we carry our homes around with us!!

Lol! I'm going to start a should just have chosen what you wanted Phil and just told us all to suck it up. Ha!
I'd go for 2 - it's got more personality.

Don't know if this has already been discussed, and I can't be bothered to wade through the 14 pages of comments, but I'd prefer a slightly snappier tag-line...

Take nothing but memories,
leave nothing but tyre tracks
We have gone with #2, #1 could be mitaken for the VW emblem...............
Hi everyone :wave:

I've already voted for No 2 and had my say but, prompted by an email, I've popped back to see how the discussion's going. For the first time, I read through the thread from start to finish and my goodness, the telling off some people are getting is enough to put us newbies off posting altogether!! It's water off a duck's back to me but I think any topic that's going to encourage the anxious and shy to hit that reply button and join in is a really positive thing and I'm happy most people see it that way :) Also, the point of a forum is to communicate and most people don't care about spelling mistakes or if others can successfully negotiate the minefield of there, their and they're. Besides, typos can be fun and I've got friends on another forum whose typos have become the stuff of legend and just add to the sense of community :D

By the way, for all those who specifically preferred No 1 because they thought No 2 looked like a pair of boobs... well, you've obviously forgotten Madonna's Blonde Ambition tour! :lol-061:

Having read through everything again, I'm even more in favour of just the logo without words. I agree with those who feel the sticker is mainly useful to identify members to each other within the community. I'd happily display the logo and look out for it on our travels... and :wave: Many might feel less inclined to display a sticker it if it drew unwanted attention... and not everyone might be a perfect ambassador for wild camping or for the rest of us if they're under pressure from jobsworths. Sometimes less is definitely more! Looking forward to seeing the final outcome :goodluck:

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