The point is ....
A petition like this occasionally gets spectacular results. This one probably won't. This petition is probably the fourth or fifth I've seen and we can be reasonably sure that we won't get a result; a result, that is, that gives us an immediate network of approved parking places. This is no reason not to sign it.
Most of us who have spent time trying to get approved parking places established are fumbling around in the dark and we wonder why approval is so difficult btu we have been learning. Planning problems, public outrage, expense of clearing up after us, prejudice against Travellers, potential abuse by overstaying - and so on.
If this petition gets a certain number of signatures, 10,000 I think, then the government is, somehow, compelled to give an answer; we will be told why it is difficult to approve overnight parking.
When we know the official answer then we can begin to work on solving whatever the problem is.