Ive made the decision after thinking whats happening in Wales Scotland and other places to avoid wildcamping for now. It was a tough choice as i really dont like "official" big corp campsites although the missus dose. Therefore when im in Norfolk doing some wildlife stuff Ive booked onto farm sites. Cheaper than big ones and its a compromise and gives the farmer a few £££, They are ok ill use local shops and maybe a walk to a pub and i like them. Wildings better but i made a personal choice. Shame as i love wilding but for now im waiting to see how things pan out. That said theres loads of much more experienced folk on here much better at finding places than me. Worry is if the idiots keep throwing sh*t eveywhere we get blamed and things never get back to normal. Then again, the POI's a godsend for folk like me, great spots where i can keep a low profile do what i enjoy and do some wilding. But for now its farm sites for me. Good to hear stories from folk still getting out and about and not having any grief. Shows it can still be done. Then again if everyone was like the good folk on here there wouldnt be a problem.