New Highway Code rules.


Full Member
I don't fully understand the new rules but it looks like cyclists and pedestrians will be given priority in certain situations (such as cyclists undertaking near corners and pedestrians crossing the road).

I'm willing to be stood corrected, but it seems at first glance an ideal opportunity for a certain element of society to be looking at making a lot of money out of motorists insurance policies.
I posted this on facts a few days ago

I posted this on facts a few days ago


I think there are 3 new rules Kev but the final wording has still to be decided.

I was reading this article;

What I am a bit concerned about is this bit;

The Highway Code revisions also include a new Hierarchy of Road Users, which implies automatic culpability for drivers in accidents with more vulnerable road users (cyclists or pedestrians)

I expect we will learn more in the days to come as it is now in the news.
The cynic in me sees this as just another way of pissing off the motorist which the powers that be seem to love at the moment.

Ironically, in these situations electric vehicles are probably the most dangerous due to their silence.
Weird innit that in Europe cyclists, pedestrians and vehicles mix vey readily, even in major cities, yet we in the UK seem always to be at war with each other?


Lots of gripes about cyclists , particularly their attitude towards pedestrians . Think there is a mutual respect in Europe .
Pretty sure old highway code you were meant to give way to pedestrians when turning into a road ?
It does seem sad that we appear to require a rule to prompt us to be considerate of other folk. There are good and bad in every part of human society and that aint going to change. The entitlement stuff gets up my nose though. I regularly see £30,000 cars being driven by blokes (usually blokes) in their thirties in downright dangerous ways but we still twine on about "boy racers". Also evident in the lycra clad fools many of whom are of a similar age group.

I try to be considerate and just take a couple of breaths to help me keep calm. Life really is too short for all that aggro.


It does seem sad that we appear to require a rule to prompt us to be considerate of other folk. There are good and bad in every part of human society and that aint going to change. The entitlement stuff gets up my nose though. I regularly see £30,000 cars being driven by blokes (usually blokes) in their thirties in downright dangerous ways but we still twine on about "boy racers". Also evident in the lycra clad fools many of whom are of a similar age group.

I try to be considerate and just take a couple of breaths to help me keep calm. Life really is too short for all that aggro.



I agree H. I'm actually quite a calm driver these days. I do worry about this 'automatically culpable' thing that is being hinted at though, surely every accident should be judged on evidence.

I have a dash cam, may buy one for the rear of the car now as well though.

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