Mosquito repellants

Nothing bites me, not even the wife these days. But she is a martyr to anything that flies.

She gave up on preventatives a few years back though. These days she accepts that she will be bitten when we go to different climes and takes antihistamines for a fortnight before and for the duration. It seems to work well.
Orally taken antihistamines is one of the proven methods of reducing biting and the after effects as evidenced on the sliced bread programme. Antihistamines on skin much less so. Also the myth of Deet being toxic is dispelled although it will melt plastic. Citrus candles and the like are very limited in efficacy.

The programme is very well worth listening to.

I take antihistamines daily due to various allergies, have b12 injections for pernicious anaemia, but still get bitten. I find Smidge pretty effective and usually use skin so soft. Make sure it is original perfume though which has citronella in it. The other perfumes dont.
When I get bitten abroad I pop to a chemist and buy whatever the locals use to combat mozzies.

I certainly did after this happened in Sicily last year...

Does anyone have a sure way to stop being bitten by mosquitos ? I think I must of tried most things peppermint oils sprays lotions creams bracelets plug ins … honestly if anyone has got the secret could you share with me
Does anyone have a sure way to stop being bitten by mosquitos ? I think I must of tried most things peppermint oils sprays lotions creams bracelets plug ins … honestly if anyone has got the secret could you share with me please
Try garlic tablets, start taking them a few weeks before mozzie season. Worked for me 🤷‍♀️🙂
Thanks all .. think I will try eucalyptus essential oil (thanks Nije) and double up on the B12 as I was reading there is a connection to b12 deficiency which would make perfect sense as to why I get bitten alive and my other half doesn’t.
Check the B12 levels as sometimes too much can affect all sorts of things if I remember rightly
Does anyone have a sure way to stop being bitten by mosquitos ? I think I must of tried most things peppermint oils sprays lotions creams bracelets plug ins … honestly if anyone has got the secret could you share with me please
A midge jacket with Smidge on any remaining exposed bits is the best way.
Does anyone have a sure way to stop being bitten by mosquitos ? I think I must of tried most things peppermint oils sprays lotions creams bracelets plug ins … honestly if anyone has got the secret could you share with me please
I use lemon / citrus. Spray, juice, or candles (outside) and (I think it's called) smudge. Found smudge spray in Scotland a few years ago. Asked in shop and locals all said same.
Orally taken antihistamines is one of the proven methods of reducing biting and the after effects as evidenced on the sliced bread programme. Antihistamines on skin much less so. Also the myth of Deet being toxic is dispelled although it will melt plastic. Citrus candles and the like are very limited in efficacy.

The programme is very well worth listening to.

Dropped deet on plastic shoes went through in minutes. Foolishly had some on hands when using camera. Handgrip flaked in a few days. Beware
Love all of this Avon Skin So Soft stuff. When it was first produced, it had Citronella in its makeup and it did work. But since that has been removed, it is just a (nice) skin potion. It has turned into an urban myth. You have no way of knowing if you would have been bitten without it on your skin. How do I know this? I put SSS on one arm and none on the other. I did it in three different locations on a France holiday. On all three, I had the same results on each arm. One place, no bites. The other two places, bites on both arms. Even Avon have distanced themselves from the claims. No Citronella, no effect!
Just looked at date on my bottle of SSS here in is still original formula which, I gather, is hard to get now. Smidge is better for midges and mosquitoes probably as actually formulated as an insect repellent! Will continue to use my old bottle from Avon but Smidge is what I keep in the van. I have seen talk of a bug guard spray made by Avon but not seen any for sale.
Just looked at date on my bottle of SSS here in is still original formula which, I gather, is hard to get now. Smidge is better for midges and mosquitoes probably as actually formulated as an insect repellent! Will continue to use my old bottle from Avon but Smidge is what I keep in the van. I have seen talk of a bug guard spray made by Avon but not seen any for sale.
Does you SSS have Citronella listed? (It is a requirement as it is restricted in concentration) The lot I have here (for her, she loves it!) says original, but no Citronella

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