Main Sticker poll and dicussion

would you like a wildcamping vehicle sticker(s)

  • Yes I maybe interested if they are any good

    Votes: 16 72.7%
  • No

    Votes: 6 27.3%

  • Total voters


Please vote if you would provisionally like a wild camping sticker.

The sticker will be external vinyl letters, I suggest 6 by 3 inches. It will be a single colour, most likely dark green or black. If anyone has a suggestion to alter this please add it below.

I like the idea of comedy stickers, so some kind of joke phrase would be good. If we get a few suggestions in then we can have a poll of the members to choose the best one. If there is more than one that peole really like I can get a couple of different ones or colours done.

I will sell the stickers directly and through ebay, I will keep the price at cost (sticker, envelope, postage).

I am going to post this in a seperate thread and add a poll as to who would like a sticker.

Thanks to Gary English for getting this going.

Sticker:- Backgroud of mountains or ocean. Foreground of a Motorhome.
Words: I am a WildCamper, Are you? (Across the face of background and foreground motiv. (Large letters)
Small print at the bottom:-
tame a wild camper

David & Ann said:
Sticker:- Backgroud of mountains or ocean. Foreground of a Motorhome.
Words: I am a WildCamper, Are you? (Across the face of background and foreground motiv. (Large letters)
Small print at the bottom:-
How about this, You cant tame a Wild Camper! :)

Anything is great Trevor, main object is to flash it around at home, Europe or as far away as Singapore. Did you know you could drive to Singapore without touching water, after getting agross the channel. I did it in 1972.
just a suggestion - make sure that it's got the website address on it, you know the www, thingy
graham/kath said:
Hi Admin (Phil)
I for one would not mind if you added an admin fee ( no pun intended) for the sticker.:D
This will help cover some of your expenses and bear in mind that u will have to order quite a few & may not sell them all or for a long time.:eek:
I would not want u to be out of pocket.
Hope others will agree,:cool:
regards graham

Thank you for the offer but I really dont mind sending them out.

I will do a design as soon as we have had a few suggestions.
I agree

graham/kath said:
Hi Admin (Phil)
I for one would not mind if you added an admin fee ( no pun intended) for the sticker.:D
This will help cover some of your expenses and bear in mind that u will have to order quite a few & may not sell them all or for a long time.:eek:
I would not want u to be out of pocket.
Hope others will agree,:cool:
regards graham
Graham is right. Cover your cost, I'll pay my share. As long as I don't have to sell my baby (MH)

Would it be possible for you to email your address ,to those who wanted sticker.Then we could post a large s.a.e ,with say two pound coin or a postal order in ,to cover costs.Unless any other ideas ,you should not be out of pocket.
David & Ann said:
Anything is great Trevor, main object is to flash it around at home, Europe or as far away as Singapore. Did you know you could drive to Singapore without touching water, after getting agross the channel. I did it in 1972.

More power to your elbow! Credit where credit's due!

For some reason I have a vision of you tootling through Europe in a Commer Dormobile, put me out of my misery and please inform us what vehicle you used. :D
There is no problem wih people sending me a SAE and the money. Once we work out what we want I can get a pricing.
GB to Singapore by Camper

It was a Merc Benz 406 diesel, German P.O.van converted by someone whom I bought it off in 1971. It chugged along like a choo choo train, but hard as nails. Hit the road and headed through Europe through Turkey, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand and finally Malaysia. It was a working holiday so to speak. Earned enough to get me from A to B. Great fun. Took me 2 1/2 years. Picked up a lot of hippies who helped pay for gasoline and kept me on the move when in trouble. It is a long adventurous story. I still to this day have my log of the complete journey.
Who said "No"

graham/kath said:
Can't believe that someone has voted "NO":p
But then again, it's a free world & that is what makes us Human :eek:

I agree with the above "Quote" but it is a poll.
I think it mirrors life in general! Apathy seems to be the "in" thing.

graham/kath said:
2 have voted NO now. How very very sad:mad:
Some chance of ever getting a get together with support like that for our own little club/website ( & b4 anyone say's it, I know we r not a proper club)
But how sad:rolleyes:
To the members that have voted No, What is wrong with showing a little support? Why? Are u not proud to be a contributing member?
Is it that u think a sticker is tacky?
WE cannot make u & would not want to, but come on members, show a little support for your own website!:D
regards "I don't believe it" graham:eek:

Graham, At first you say "It's a free world" then berate whoever has decided to say "No"?? I personally haven't voted one way ort tuther. So now you can have a go at me. IT'S A FREE WORLD.

If someone, like myself & others, enjoy the various forums on offer, why are we expected to comply with every wish expressed? If a vote for (good grief
a sticker!) is suggested & the individual doesn't want one, surely it's better that they abstain from voting, as this would only count against those that want one. Why ask for a Yes/No? just ask who wants one, & to suggest designs. That way as various options open up, & a deadline is given, you might get more asking for them. Simple really.

Just read your last thread Graham. I've got a sticker in the rear window of my M/H saying "A dog is for life, not just for Christmas" We have rescued German Shepherds for 40yrs. But my sticker sure as hell doesn't stop these morons from dumping last years present for this years model.

So much for expecting a sticker to say anything at all.
No! or Er! yes ok

Bloody hell Graham, I'm losing the will to live.;););)

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