Here's the gotcha: Complaint Procedure para 5.2 (Frontline Resolution) requires the Chairperson together with one other office-bearer to fully consider the complaint (even if the complaint is initially passed to another member because the complaint relates to the Chairperson). So, effectively, Tom Kinnaird is obliged to preside over a complaint about himself.
5.2 Stage 1 – Frontline Resolution
5.2.1 Process The complaint should be acknowledged in writing within 5 working days and an expected response timescale provided. The complaint should be passed to the Chairperson, or another appropriate officer bearer (if the complaint relates to the Chairperson). The Chairperson in consultation with another office bearer of the community council will fully consider the terms of the complaint, seeking additional information as required and determine whether to uphold or not uphold the complaint.
In addition, Para 5.0 (Complaint Handling) states that the council must, "check that the complaint is competent, i.e. is not spurious or vexatious and is related to a matter within the remit of the community council to determine" and dismiss the complaint if it considers it not to be 'competent'. That is, the Tom Kinnaird would appear to be at liberty to deem any complaint about himself to be 'vexatious' and summarily dismiss it.
While I suspect that this is an oversight, it does call the complaint procedure itself into question and hence my next step will probably be to complain to Fife Council that the complaint procedure itself presents a dilemma that almost guarantees complaints against the Chair of a Community Council with few office bearers (e.g. the Chairperson, his wife and two of his friends) cannot receive a fair hearing.
FWIW, I joined CAMpRA a week or two ago and so I might just pay a visit to their forum to see if they know about this and to give them the 'heads up' if not.
Hi Geoff, yes I had already read through this and noted this anomaly.
I have just emailed Fifes community councils as advised today by Fifes escalation and resolution team. Let’s see what happens now.
here’s what I sent.
Dear sir/madam,
I was given this email address by your escalation and resolution team.
I wish to make a complaint about Mr Tom Kinnaird, chairperson Benarty Community Council. (BCC)
On Friday I was notified that he had posted an inflammatory email on his Facebook forum Benarty matters with regards to motorhomes who used the facility at Lochore. At this point I was not aware of his position within BCC.
After reading the post I felt I had to respond, as did other Motorhome owners. He made slanderous assertions unfit for someone in public office. These comments were clearly in breech of your codes of practice for such individuals. When attempting to discuss his comments he resorted to lies, personal insults, and after two days he stopped us from posting, and removed our posts. On further research it was noted that he has a history of such behaviour towards his own constituents. I will attach comments from some of his constituents to this email. I and others have made complaints to Fife Council, but we have been advised that we must take this matter up with BCC. But I see no point in doing so. I noted from your code that if we do so this matter must be dealt with by another member of BCC. But his wife is deputy chair, and quite frankly this would be akin to complaining about Tom Kinnaird to Tom Kinnaird.
If I do have to complain to BCC I will do so, knowing full well that it’s an exercise in futility. Akin to shouting at the moon. Surely Fife council are responsible for the actions of their public officials. Surely there should be a better method than the complainant having to in effect complain to the person he is complaining about.
All I ask is that you look at his forum on Facebook, look at what is being posted, and decide wether or not it meets page 34 regarding said codes of practice.
I look forward to hearing from you.
I can be contacted by email or on my mobile
Please find attachments below. The first being his initial post.
But much worse was to follow than the initial post.
Prior to him cutting us of I did screen shots of all his posts for your perusal if you wish me to post them at a later date I will.
William Hurley.
Sent from my iPadll