Leave no trace...uhhhm

If I am going somewhere remote for a few days, I bring my recycled wash machine drum and my own seasoned wood

It is a moron who would cut a live tree. Same for creating new pits, use an already created one.

Or better still, recycle an old wash machine drum.
Got any photos of your washing machine drum fire pit? I’m really liking the idea of that !Do you stand it on bricks 🧱?
View attachment 131477So whilst touring around Arran, Bute, Kyntyre we saw a fair amount of fire pits on grass. In many instances it was clear that the last folks to use the pit had not the faintest clue how to start an open fire in the first place.

We got a bit of questioning from the Ranger and pointed out that firstly I knew how to light a fire and would have used "old or drift wood" and secondly would have made the pit on the pebble shore and cleared it away before leaving.

If one has the desire to make a fire... Clear it away, leave no trace and everyone is happy.
Not only can this be dangerous to the environment, but it’s idiotic and ruins it for responsible folk who know how and where to light a fire and who clear the remains before leaving. My pet hate are those one time use, disposable BBQs that you often see sold at petrol stations. So many idiots use them and then just discard them where they’re sat, whether it’s at a picturesque spot, a beach or a carpark. These have been attributed to causing fires on heathland in Dorset among other places. Beaches are left littered with dozens of them in the summer. They should be banned.
Not only can this be dangerous to the environment, but it’s idiotic and ruins it for responsible folk who know how and where to light a fire and who clear the remains before leaving. My pet hate are those one time use, disposable BBQs that you often see sold at petrol stations. So many idiots use them and then just discard them where they’re sat, whether it’s at a picturesque spot, a beach or a carpark. These have been attributed to causing fires on heathland in Dorset among other places. Beaches are left littered with dozens of them in the summer. They should be banned.
Let’s not go down the route of banning a perfectly good product because of some brain dead users. Bring back hanging I say🤦🏻‍♂️✌️
Got any photos of your washing machine drum fire pit? I’m really liking the idea of that !Do you stand it on bricks 🧱?
Sorry mate, I’m not home at the moment to take a pic, I’ll do a search for one on the net and post. And no, it sits on the drive belt alloy wheel to keep it of the ground.
Here you go.
They are really handy (but not that portable really). I bought one from someone at a VW Show for £20 brand new (well, unused as a Fire Drum anyway) about 7 years ago. Actually gave it to one of my neighbours last year as was collecting too many "fires" (Chiminea x 2, Frontier Stove and Foldable Mesh Fire).
I slightly regret giving it away as missing being able to just chuck logs in the top, but I am sure she will get more use than I would :)
Remember the carnage from tent campers at Loch Lomond not so long ago. Cut down trees for fires, bottles, cans, tents and excrement just left behind for somebody else to clear up, Rangers assaulted as well.

These people need a few years conscription.
You mean to say campervan folk did"nt get the blame? Result!

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