interesting new court ruling re gypsies and right to roam

Seems to be no easy answers to this conundrum,if the Traveller community showed an ounce of respect for the land they (temporarily) occupy then I doubt most members of the public would have an issue with them. Obviously they don't and leave behind a mountain of rubbish and human waste for the local ratepayers to foot the bill for removal and cleansing. From what I've witnessed there is little or no enforcement of the laws relating to fly tipping,forced entry etc etc.
i think it was 1984 a Bill was passed empowering and forcing local authorities to provide sites for travelling communities. very very few were ever built. i think i read lately that the bill was quietly dropped from local authority duties... but i could be wrong. we can hardly blame a travelling community for leaving rubbish if no facilities are provided for them - and lets not be hypocritical here - we could be talking campervan owners here to. It is indeed a vexed question but the romany/travelling community have been around for hundreds and hundreds of years and deserve a little consideration. Other types of part time travelling communities have different needs.
I think it is fantastic news,the wildcamp community were worried about the proposed trespass laws. It is a victory for personal freedom the fact some travellers and wild campers are disrespectful to their environment is not sufficient reason to curb everyone’s liberty there is still mechanisms by which anti social behaviour is dealt with effectively more polic resources for a start.

The hypocrisy is if we tar all travelling groups the same then we must treat settled community wild campers the same can you imagine the uproar?

Travellers are a victim group, the terms some posters use here and their obvious dislike they wouldnt openly say about others eg blacks,and they wouldn’t remain published
Glad the LURGI is going..You should not consort with The England Cricket Team
They have 2 Somerset Players !

I respect the right of travellers and their lifestyle but
1 Rubbish etc
2 Tax ..various
3 Insurance should they injure someone
Other will add I am sure

Then we have Showmen who seem to be better organised

Then we have "Dale Farm"
i think it was 1984 a Bill was passed empowering and forcing local authorities to provide sites for travelling communities. very very few were ever built. i think i read lately that the bill was quietly dropped from local authority duties... but i could be wrong. we can hardly blame a travelling community for leaving rubbish if no facilities are provided for them - and lets not be hypocritical here - we could be talking campervan owners here to. It is indeed a vexed question but the romany/travelling community have been around for hundreds and hundreds of years and deserve a little consideration. Other types of part time travelling communities have different needs.

Wouldn't be the first time a motorhomer had left a bag or 2 of rubbish behind that's true, but when did you last see a wildcamper leave a tipper load of tree clippings? Or half a dozen gas bottles?
When did you last read about " motorhomer looted local shop"?
You know as well as anyone else that these 2 groups of people are easily identifiable, & easily told apart.
I know not all gypsies are bad, & neither are all campers good. Fact is when you see a school field or public carpal looking like a landfill you know instantly it was Irish gypsies. Not prejudice, just fact. If these people abided by the law & showed even a modicum of respect for the places they stay the conversation would probably be moot.
Any & all hard work & effort put in by you or I to enhance our cause or ease the public perception of wild camping is overturned at a stroke every time these hooligans pole up anywhere.
Time the law reflected this instead of just hitting us all with a blanket ban. Enforcement officers should be allowed to judge each case on the facts before them instead of being bound by a "one law for all" system....
i think it was 1984 a Bill was passed empowering and forcing local authorities to provide sites for travelling communities. very very few were ever built. i think i read lately that the bill was quietly dropped from local authority duties... but i could be wrong. we can hardly blame a travelling community for leaving rubbish if no facilities are provided for them - and lets not be hypocritical here - we could be talking campervan owners here to. It is indeed a vexed question but the romany/travelling community have been around for hundreds and hundreds of years and deserve a little consideration. Other types of part time travelling communities have different needs.

The problem is, in the main most MH owners act responsibly, they take their rubbish with them and deposit it in a waste container, bin, skip, tip, unfortunately most gypsy's don't want to know, they prefer to leave it where it is dropped for local residents to foot the bill in clearing it. Not what some people want to read but it is a fact the gypsy's are a law unto themselves and do not do themselves any favours at all. They will cry out that nothing is provided for them when they do not contribute towards the costs.
None romany/travelling communities have been around for thousands of years and deserve a little consideration too!
If someone is doing something wrong then I think a law exists where action can be taken against them doesn’t it? Whether it be a gypsy, Romany, traveller or joe bloggs with his car full of kids/dogs/rubbish, anyone fly tipping should be prosecuted. I think fly tipping would be the law used.
We still need much better options for disposing of rubbish up and down the country and places to park up.
While I am most certainly anti fly tipping and anti social behaviour I judge that on what I see and not by labels or groups.
Greggbear you say - "" if we see a pile of rubbish..... you know instantly who left it?"" perlease..... that really is prejudice

you may want to read your contribution again.... ""Fact is when you see a school field or public carpal looking like a landfill you know instantly it was Irish gypsies. Not prejudice, just fact. """ This is speculation which is nothing like fact.
If someone is doing something wrong then I think a law exists where action can be taken against them doesn’t it? Whether it be a gypsy, Romany, traveller or joe bloggs with his car full of kids/dogs/rubbish, anyone fly tipping should be prosecuted. I think fly tipping would be the law used.
We still need much better options for disposing of rubbish up and down the country and places to park up.
While I am most certainly anti fly tipping and anti social behaviour I judge that on what I see and not by labels or groups.
But as with campervan meets and many other things
The problem is numbers and rubbish disposal and toilet to name the obvious
EG St Andrews Meets no more !
Yes laws exist to control fly tipping etc as well as laws against public nuisance & trespass. Problem is a system whereby in order to be able to address a group of Irish gypsies taking up residence ion your local school playground, the police also have the power to come down mob handed on 2 or 3 friends parking in a layby or on a piece of waste ground somewhere in order to have a night or 2 in each other's company. Obviously if those 2 or 3 people then leave rubbish etc behind they can & should be dealt with by the law the same as anyone else. If however a group of Irish gypsies pull onto a patch of waste ground etc & stay for 1 or 2 nights then move on, leaving the area tidy & rubbish free they surely should not be subject to any heavy handed laws.....
Greggbear you say - "" if we see a pile of rubbish..... you know instantly who left it?"" perlease..... that really is prejudice

you may want to read your contribution again.... ""Fact is when you see a school field or public carpal looking like a landfill you know instantly it was Irish gypsies. Not prejudice, just fact. """ This is speculation which is nothing like fact.
But we both know differently, don't we? ....
But as with campervan meets and many other things
The problem is numbers and rubbish disposal and toilet to name the obvious
EG St Andrews Meets no more !
The problem is people who have no respect for their surroundings. If I wildcamp, or attend a meet i leave no trace behind regardless of how many people are there. If anything I am more likely to clean more crap up at a big meet etc as I also clean up around where I park regardless of who dumped it. If no bins are provided, my rubbish comes away with me wherever I am....
Everyone should be subjected to the same laws, no problem with that at all. I believe currently it’s 6 vehicles isn’t it with new proposed legislation aiming at two?

I remember when a copper would give you a good crack round the ear hole if you so much as looked at them wrong and you often ‘fell down the stairs’ on the way in or out the cells if you were caught up to no good.
The problem is people who have no respect for their surroundings. If I wildcamp, or attend a meet i leave no trace behind regardless of how many people are there. If anything I am more likely to clean more crap up at a big meet etc as I also clean up around where I park regardless of who dumped it. If no bins are provided, my rubbish comes away with me wherever I am....
Yes Yes Yes !
Even on aires / stellplatz
Gypsies and Tinkers. They are not the same. A real Gypsy lives by very strict rules. Then we have motorhomer’s and life’s leftovers.

We do need more facilities. The road side bins we do have are seldom emptied.

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