If Santa could bring you anything


Do you remember when you were a child and you would ask Father Christmas for the things you wanted the most?

Try and get your belief back for a minute and tell me....

"If Santa could bring you anything, what would you ask for?"
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santa , you've dyed your beard :raofl:

could i please have my teenage years back and if at all possible the 6 numbers for the next lotto
These three would keep me amused for a few hours.

Not sure Mrs D would want to wrap em up though.

These three would keep me amused for a few hours.

Not sure Mrs D would want to wrap em up though.


Was going to give a serious reply, but after that pic........................................... it's gone :lol-053:
crismas wish list


leave me the middle one:lol-053::lol-053::lol-053:

leave me the middle one:lol-053::lol-053::lol-053:

You got taste Buddy, that is what I would opt for, unfortunately, I am old in the gills, so will settle looking at the picture.....damn.☺☺☺
Not sure Mrs D would want to wrap em up though

I thought the idea was to unwrap Christmas presents lol.....I guess I'd try to take a few hours to
unwrap these.....nothing like wishful thinking lol!
no such thing as santa claus, tooth fairy etc etc.

You rotten swine! You've just totally spoiled my Christmas! Anyway, you're wrong as I got a pound last week when I left a tooth under my pillow. My wife says that if it hadn't been a false one I might have got even more.
Yes there is...

no never.

i went for a haircut today (they know me, its a cheap in out 3quid a pop place) i said to both girls, why the stupid tinsel etc etc. i said it looks crap, i hate xmas and i better not hear no xmas music!!

kaye got me a advent calender wrapped in tinsel, she wasnt too impressed when i said i dont do all that xmas crap..............why should i lie to her and say 'oooo thankyou darling, its loverly!' i just told her the truth.

i was in a mall other day, in a foto shop place, and some mothers with todlers had them dressed in daft red xmas suits for fotos to be taken........looked pathetic, and i told them so!

i just cant see the point lieing to kids about things........i have never lied and said 'fluffy has gone to live on a farm where he can run about etc' or 'fluffy has gone to heaven'. bah just tell them the truth, animal was ill and had to be put down.....

too many lies in this world, and i dont see why we lie to kids, its the wrong message to send!!!!!!
ok 1 thing, i send gifts (lol that means poision in german) to german friends, the family of german ex#1 sweet, tea, cheese etc. i also send them in the year, but they mean a lot to me etc. so thats why i send it this time of year.
These three would keep me amused for a few hours.

Not sure Mrs D would want to wrap em up though.


A few hours???? I reckon I could go at least two minutes. I saying no more I don't want to be banned. :sucks::banana::shag: I just clicked on any three emotions. HONEST Phil.:cheers:
A few hours???? I reckon I could go at least two minutes. I saying no more I don't want to be banned. :sucks::banana::shag: I just clicked on any three emotions. HONEST Phil.:cheers:

Yeah 2 mintutes with each and then a few hours fetching me beer from the fridge and feeding me grapes!
OK, you men, time for us women to have an eyeful!!!


Please Santa Phil, can I have the one on the end??

KP x x x

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