We live in the Hose pipe ban area and had a letter from the water company today [ Southern Water ] must have cost them thousands to send out letters to every household . basically all hose pipe use is banned for DOMESTIC use but NO mention of Commercial use being banned ? maybe Commercial premises will get a different letter , there is no doubt that the local Rivers TEST and ITCHEN have noticeable lower levels and less f[ow, there is a major building programme about to start at near by FAREHAM 600 new houses Doctors surgeries shops and Leisure facilities, madness with a looming water shortage, make no mistake water our most precious commodity is becoming seriously short and will be more so in future years due to our warming climate, Filling the vans tank will be no problem for me as I use the universal watering can most times but can still stick the hose in my water tank unseen as we are not overlooked in our home, but I will not do that of course?
It is easy to say that leaking pipes should be fixed, of course they should but have you considered the thousands of miles of underground water pipes there are ? and the disruption caused by digging up the roads to access these pipes, When I moved into our present home 35 years ago I had to replace our underground leaking water pipe which was cast iron with new plastic pipe, it was 70 feet in length and I had to dig a trench 4 foot 6 inches deep from the pavement to our Bungalow to lay the new pipe, I connected the bungalow end to our indoor stop cock which I also renewed but the water company would not then allow me to connect to the main in the pavement, they had to come out and inspect my trench to make sure it was deep enough before they would connect us to the main, this was to ensure the pipe was deep enough NOT to freeze, I started the trench very narrow but as It got deeper I had to widen it so I could get in it to dig it out, a long arduous job , then of course I had to back fill it after covering the new pipe with sand I was younger then and had more energy and drive, both have deserted me now Hee Hee but the water company wanted what seemed like a fortune then OOOW MUUUCH !!!! no way I will dig it myself I said. Yeah great idea? We have 7 large water butts in our garden filled by rain water from the garage and shed roofs, all are almost empty now as no rain for weeks and because of heavy garden watering and fish pond top ups, we have 5 down pipes from the bungalow roof and I am having new gutters and down pipes fitted next week , all the roof water goes into the ground soakaways and is wasted so I am getting more water butts as well and will divert the rain water from the roof into them , I am thinking of ways to pump water into a tank to feed the toilet cisterns too to save water , maybe maybe not ?