
Come on now Geny ,lovers and ,haters it's time to put your handbags away, :sucks:
Which portable gas heater do you use?


Hi gas equipment direct has some for sale but I think its about twice the size of mine which i,ve had aeveral yrs with no makers mark its just like a burner from a super ser
Our first Hymer had that type of heating, meaning a gas fire which could be turned on without the blow hot air.
It did, also, have the blow hot air!
Worked well and as mentioned, it was better for wilding, as no battery drain!

They are the best heaters,but dont forget to tell folk that they are indirect heaters and no burnt gas fumes enter the van as there exhausted out under the floor,dont mix these heaters up with ones that burn a open flame inside like a supersare which will kill you at worst in a small space if not make you very sick.
update on generator

i,ve put the generator on hold as had to spend money on the wagon ie belts & other bits.
many thanks for all your comments much appreciated.


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