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hi folks it's me.
what size generator would be needed for a motorhome ?

would be talking of using it just for light & heat, no tv.

what size heater could be used on it.

Better to use gas or a diesel night heater and save your money.
First part of what you ask,2kw fan heater will require a 2 kw and above genny which will ether be a big petrol one or s smaller inverter.
Always read what things require which will be on the service plate,look at a kettle most are 2.5 kw which is a big amount of power,electric heaters are the same if thats what you want.
If you are using a blown gas or oil heater then a small 650w gen will keep your batterys up.
OR one of these little ones at about £70 giving 650/850w two stroke and light,they will run 4 hrs on 4 ltrs and beleve me there qt for a stroker.


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I'd have this one if I could. As said the Honda i20 great wee machine. There's people who would rather freeze and starve to death rather than run a wee Jenny for an hour. You'll see them huddled round a candle trying to get a heat light and make toast at it. I know I'll get shot for this but I love my instant power I'll try my best to be quite and use sparingly but if someone asks I'll turn it off but if they tell me I'll turn it up😜


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The one I've got now came with the van it's a dometick but the engines Honda runs on lpg and has its own exhaust system if you take ten steps away from van you can't even hear it but I've had the woolly jumper brigade tutting and hissing nothing better to do. So I pretend I can't hear them because of all the noise wittt Aghh. They soon change there mind when you offer to charge there laptop
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What heating do you want to run, diesel eberspacher!!l gas blown air ,that run of leisure battery ,or electric heating like a fan heater or oil filled heater, you would need a 1500 w Geny to power a 1000 w heater ,a 700 w would be enough to charge batteries to run on board heater .Honda are the top rated top price Geny, or screw fix do a 700 W for £180.well worth a look.
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I have both an EU20i and An EU30i.
Both are used every week and like most things you get what you pay for. They never let me down and both will probably outlive me !
I carry the EU20i in my pvc autumn and winter, it sits between the 2 front seats so doesn't encroach on my living space and I bought a purpose made carry bag so no fuel smells. I have solar but as has been mentioned if you are static in winter for any length of time solar is next to useless so unless you run the engine a genny is the way to go imho.
In 3 years of motorhoming I have never used it if near another motorhome and never will.
I suffer from sleep apnoea and during the night I have to use a CPAP breathing machine, so if we are on an extended rally or similar after 4 nights my batteries need recharging.
So last year I bought a Hyundai 2000sei remote start generator from a dealer in South Wales who sell their demo models off at a lot cheaper price, they advertise on EBay.

That's the newer model of the one I have. When I bought the van it was 12 years old and the generator wasn't even run in: that's how useful they aren't!

That looks like mine. First time I used van it started automatically in the middle of the night it's got a gauge to determine the battery level so when batteries go below 30% genny kicks in so I wasn't very popular next morning. I needed clean pants whit a fright I've turned that off now
Must say when we had a Kipor I swore a lot at it also. Right up to the day I gave it away.
These remote starting generators sound good. Maybe someone should devise an app that enables you to start from your phone when away from your van so that you never have to put up with the infernal racket the generator makes.
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These remote starting generators sound good. Maybe someone should devise an app that enables you to start from your phone when away from your van so that you never have to put up with the infernal racket the generator makes.

I take it you are not a generator fan then ?
Come and listen to my Honda some time or should I say try and listen to it if more than 20 metres away.
I take it you are not a generator fan then ?
Come and listen to my Honda some time or should I say try and listen to it if more than 20 metres away.

I have heard them running on the other side of an otherwise completely peaceful valley. Some people do seem more sensitive to them than others. At the Rutland meet for example some with other groups there ran their generators for the whole weekend, I presume they become immune to the racket as they enjoy their cold beer whilst watching Coronation Street.

I like garth carry a genny always,if you dont use it so be it !! but its nice when wilding to know you have back up. I tried a cheap model (clarke) and was told the coil had gone after only one season had good advice to buy the Honda and it has served me well starting first time.I also have solar but like to park in wooded /forest areas so quite often lose the sun. As to size there is quite a difference but if you have plenty of storage I would go for the bigger .
These remote starting generators sound good. Maybe someone should devise an app that enables you to start from your phone when away from your van so that you never have to put up with the infernal racket the generator makes.

Good idea I'll have to look into that😂

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