
I have heard them running on the other side of an otherwise completely peaceful valley. Some people do seem more sensitive to them than others. At the Rutland meet for example some with other groups there ran their generators for the whole weekend, I presume they become immune to the racket as they enjoy their cold beer whilst watching Coronation Street.

That was me my fridge was broke not running on gas and I was watching the tennis on my 50" TV drinking my really cold beer next time come and say hello you can have a cold beer and watch sky TV bring you're laptop as well and I'll charge for you .were all the same but different cheers😘
I am not a generator fan.... but perhaps that cos I 'aint got one :)
hi folks it's me.
what size generator would be needed for a motorhome ?

would be talking of using it just for light & heat, no tv.

what size heater could be used on it.


Well I would suggest that you first give some real thought as to its intended use in order to suit your lifestyle needs, by understanding exactly WHAT, WHEN & therefore HOW OFTEN you intend running the Genny before going down the Genny SIZE Route.
As the Honest & Obvious answer to your question above is - well the Electric Heater SIZE would depend on the size of your Motorhome, How much you feel the cold & What geographical area is your intended cruising spots etc etc. The bigger the genny,,,The bigger the heater that could be run from it.
BUT using this method you will of course ONLY have heat while the Genny is Running, So not a good long term solution.
I think that the older vans which had a simple gas fire fitted and needed no elec to run where much better than blown air
I have a portable gas heater that i use when trying to save 12 v pwr
I have heard them running on the other side of an otherwise completely peaceful valley. Some people do seem more sensitive to them than others. At the Rutland meet for example some with other groups there ran their generators for the whole weekend, I presume they become immune to the racket as they enjoy their cold beer whilst watching Coronation Street.

What's wrong wth coranation street like ??? :lol-053::lol-053::lol-053::lol-053::lol-053:

Must have been a narrow valley and cannot have been a Honda.

I feel the same when on sites and someone has the radio on blaring away for hours on end, I would rather listen to a generator lol !
You already HAVE a generator, it came free with the vehicle!!

So, now all you need is 2 to 300w of solar on the roof, and a B2B between the starter and leisure batteries.

Use gas as much as poss, fridges heating etc.


No heavy, smelly NOISY:mad2:generator to lug around
No petrol to be carried and topped up
No tripping over the bl88dy thing every time its in the way!
All of your "generator" is on the roof, the B2B is tiny and will be beside one of the batteries
Go to the local shop for a paper, come back to more or less full batteries.



If you really do want to go back in time, I'd recommend steam!
You already HAVE a generator, it came free with the vehicle!!

So, now all you need is 2 to 300w of solar on the roof, and a B2B between the starter and leisure batteries.

Use gas as much as poss, fridges heating etc.


No heavy, smelly NOISY:mad2:generator to lug around
No petrol to be carried and topped up
No tripping over the bl88dy thing every time its in the way!



Most diesel motorhomes / vans I've heard are noisier than my Honda.
I have often seen mentioned that having your Diesel engine ticking over for any length of time was detrimental to modern diesels, I stand to be corrected if I have misinterpreted what I read.
Most diesel motorhomes / vans I've heard are noisier than my Honda.
I have often seen mentioned that having your Diesel engine ticking over for any length of time was detrimental to modern diesels, I stand to be corrected if I have misinterpreted what I read.

Yeah,,My Boxer Motorhome is DEFINATLY noisier than my Genny, & yes there is great debate about damage to engine if running your eng for longer periods of time for charging,,I must admit I don't necessarily agree with THAT train of thought fully, as what most people seam not to take into account when saying such things is that the engine IS in fact under LOAD when Running on just over Tickover for Charging & more than you think. Especially if the Heater & Radio is on.
But NO I Wouldn't be without a well installed on board Genny installation for my chosen lifestyle.
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Obanboy and nesting zombie

No where did I suggest that I would run my engine just to charge a battery,nor would I there is little you could do worse to a diesel engine.

What I did say was that if you go to the local shop or town, then the batteries will be, at least, partly charged by the vehicle alternator through B2B

Re reading your comment ObanBoy, the quotes in your response don't accurately reflect my actual post, no idea how either you or me could have achieved that!!!
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Obanboy and nesting zombie

No where did I suggest that I would run my engine just to charge a battery,nor would I there is little you could do worse to a diesel engine.

What I did say was that if you go to the local shop or town, then the batteries will be, at least, partly charged by the vehicle alternator through B2B:hammer:

And if your run to the shop and back took a half hour you would still not have put much in the battery, the 200 - 300w of solar in Scotland at this time of year you can forget and not everyone has gas fridges.
What heating do you want to run, diesel eberspacher!!l gas blown air ,that run of leisure battery ,or electric heating like a fan heater or oil filled heater, you would need a 1500 w Geny to power a 1000 w heater ,a 700 w would be enough to charge batteries to run on board heater .Honda are the top rated top price Geny, or screw fix do a 700 W for £180.well worth a look.

The one that s/fix sell is also marketed as wolf, sip, cosmo to which i have two of at 650w to 850,i got mine trade for £50 each but b/q were selling them a year back for £75.
I put a gas conversion on my Kipor 2000 and it is a load more civilised than when it was petrol. I didn't like starting on petrol which was probably because the aging petrol goes off and loses volatiles. It was OK once going but the gas is easier. I have a barbecue point on the outside to run it and it also allows a big (BIG) gas bottle, with its own regulator to be fitted to the van when parked up to run the services without using all my autogas, it also runs the generator at some other point if needed, somebody in electrical distress might actually like me having it with me..
Obanboy and nesting zombie

No where did I suggest that I would run my engine just to charge a battery,nor would I there is little you could do worse to a diesel engine.

What I did say was that if you go to the local shop or town, then the batteries will be, at least, partly charged by the vehicle alternator through B2B

Re reading your comment Obanboy the quotes in your response don't accurately reflect my actual post, no idea how either you or me could have achieved that!!!

Nowhere did I suggest I was responding to your comments, I was responding to Obenboy666 as shown in my Post.


In response to a comment made in your post.
In my view STARTING your Engine to go to the LOCAL shop for a Paper, To THEN have to RE START your engine to return, Wouldn't Necessarily put a lot of EXTRA charge BACK into your Battery as a result.
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I think that the older vans which had a simple gas fire fitted and needed no elec to run where much better than blown air
I have a portable gas heater that i use when trying to save 12 v pwr

I agree, the older type gas fire did not use the vehicles electrical system, but I have noticed that the 'old fashioned' wall mounted gas fire is coming back into some of the new motorhomes and caravans.
Blown warm air is nice to have, although we have to remember to shut the entry vent in the van bathroom, because the heater it right next to it and the bathroom gets hot air priority, which means it can be a bit of a sauna. :)
Our first Hymer had that type of heating, meaning a gas fire which could be turned on without the blow hot air.
It did, also, have the blow hot air!
Worked well and as mentioned, it was better for wilding, as no battery drain!

Yeah, My gas heater is the same,,Work ok don't they.

I wonder what Electric heater & Genny combo the OP will end up with though.
Nowhere did I suggest I was responding to your comments, I was responding to Obenboy666 as shown in my Post.


In response to a comment made in your post.
In my view STARTING your Engine to go to the LOCAL shop for a Paper, To THEN have to RE START your engine to return, Wouldn't Necessarily put a lot of EXTRA charge BACK into your Battery as a result.

Ever wondered how stop/start cars manage?!!!

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