EU roaming - Popit Mobile reduced allowances

Many EU operators have similar 'fair use' policies to those in UK, it's part of EU regulations.

They are nothing like ours. Our operators can now do and charge what they like since we left for roaming. They can't in the EU. Why do you think there was such a big panic over it here when we left? Why do you think everyone is trying to find ways around it just like we did pre 2017? I remember it well. For years since the noughties we scrabbled around coming up with all sorts of schemes to get online in Europe. After 2017 when EU law changed it was fill your boots time. If you remember the year prior to that it was one of "remains" campaigns that we would lose the free roaming on our holidays and then we did although to be fair for a while at least some providers didn't immediately pull the plug. Why do you think we are having all these threads on motorhome forums now about French sims, Popit this that and the other, IQ and Tiekom? If it was 2017 again I would be heading off to France with our UK Vodafone contracts without a care in the world.
I think we might see some changes over the coming months, EE have some “expensive” tariffs that allow 50gb roaming. IQ are trying to negotiate an improvement over 25gb. All the third party suppliers were caught on the hop by the speed and lack of notice from the networks.
Feedback please from anyone using Id mobile?
Any experience of problems with ‘fair usage’ over the ‘ more use abroad in 4 month period’ issue. We do 2 periods of 90 days.
I see they use ‘3’. Any issues with signal in Scotland or Europe? I seem to remember, years ago now when using Smarty, it always connected to a network in Spain that only worked near big cities…which we avoid and wasn’t too good in Highlands. I prefer EE network but not many low cost piggyback operators use them.

Can you get BBC and Netflix in Europe with Id mobile? Or do you need a VPN? It’s been no problem with EE based providers.

Unlike others who now throttle you down now to 25GB or less, a couple of their £10 sims would suffice for us, we hardly ever use more than 60GB between us.
Reading the fair usage policy, 90 days abroad should not be an issue if you can provide them with "strong ties to the UK, like a UK bill or bank statement".

I use a Smarty SIM in my mobile router when in Scotland and have encountered only a few locations where I had no signal on 3 for the router but a signal on EE for the RWG SIM in my phone. There was the occasional location where I had neither or had only a 3 signal.

Unfortunately, I would find the 30GB data allowance for roaming totally inadequate.
There is a ‘stable links’ (with UK) stipulation for 2 months in 4 being in the UK, however you can provide ‘evidence’ of UK residence to get round this. But what and how not indicated. No clear stipulation on total months in the year in UK/EU. It seems the only way to contact them if not an existing customer is by an 0800 number, so for me I’d have to wait a month for return to UK. By when according to Sod’s Law the offer will doubtless have expired! If anyone rings and finds out in the meantime I’d be grateful to hear.
There are ways of calling a UK 0800 number when abroad. In the past, I have used Skype to make free calls from France to +44 800 numbers.