Engine management light

Some good advice re turbos and oil starvation ....re the warranty some will only replace an item when it has failed. !! ....At this moment in time it hasn't after the trip today, be mindful of this if making a claim. Back in my motor trade days,we had the ludicrous situation a component was obviously on its way out but hadn't failed so a warranty wouldn't cover it. I am confident the other guys here in the trade will have witnessed the same thing if dealing with warranty companies

Well I have rived the arse out of the engine tonight a 4 hrs 30 min trip and no light and it does feel like a different motor so far so good
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Some good advice re turbos and oil starvation ....re the warranty some will only replace an item when it has failed. !! ....At this moment in time it hasn't after the trip today, be mindful of this if making a claim. Back in my motor trade days,we had the ludicrous situation a component was obviously on its way out but hadn't failed so a warranty wouldn't cover it. I am confident the other guys here in the trade will have witnessed the same thing if dealing with warranty companies


Yes I agree Andrew I'm in a sticky situation but I won't lie to them but I have been concerned about the sluggish engine from day one so they are aware of the problem I intend to drive down to them on Monday/tues and have a face to face as there are other small problems that need looking at the major one is no handbrake lol that needs urgent attention and a broken skylight nothing major but we shall see what happens will keep you all informed. 😬
Yes I agree Andrew I'm in a sticky situation but I won't lie to them but I have been concerned about the sluggish engine from day one so they are aware of the problem I intend to drive down to them on Monday/tues and have a face to face as there are other small problems that need looking at the major one is no handbrake lol that needs urgent attention and a broken skylight nothing major but we shall see what happens will keep you all informed. ��

If your van is on the ALKO chassis ( and i think it is ) the handbrakes on them are about as much use a a chocolate fireguard and is the only thing my van has ever failed on.

The first time required a new handbrake cable, you`ll need to sit down because when they tell you the price because you`ll feel faint :scared:

The second time was just adjustment, even the garage struggled with that and it`s getting ready for doing again anytime now :hammer:
If your van is on the ALKO chassis ( and i think it is ) the handbrakes on them are about as much use a a chocolate fireguard and is the only thing my van has ever failed on.

The first time required a new handbrake cable, you`ll need to sit down because when they tell you the price because you`ll feel faint :scared:

The second time was just adjustment, even the garage struggled with that and it`s getting ready for doing again anytime now :hammer:

And someone is now going to tell me that it's not covered under warranted. Lol
And someone is now going to tell me that it's not covered under warranted. Lol

Just trying to make you aware Annie, they are a special cable and not the Fiat / Peugeot standard cable that most places think they are.

They are prone to splitting if not routed correctly and then they get moisture inside them which rusts and seizes the cable.

My garage the first time spent 2 weeks trying to fit numerous Peugeot cables to it despite me trying to tell them it was a ALKO cable.

There are 2 choices, buy from ALKO ( mortgage needed :scared: ) or have one made but need you send them the original for them to copy.

There`s a place down Swansea / Cardiff way that makes them to order, sorry can`t find the link to it.
Why don't you guys keep an old cable once one is renewed ,get one made and a member with the also chassis keep a hold until it's required,if members chip in it should be too deer then?
Keep a list of who chipped in obviously ,that how forum members like we have on here should operate?
My thoughts only😇
Just trying to make you aware Annie, they are a special cable and not the Fiat / Peugeot standard cable that most places think they are.

They are prone to splitting if not routed correctly and then they get moisture inside them which rusts and seizes the cable.

My garage the first time spent 2 weeks trying to fit numerous Peugeot cables to it despite me trying to tell them it was a ALKO cable.

There are 2 choices, buy from ALKO ( mortgage needed :scared: ) or have one made but need you send them the original for them to copy.

There`s a place down Swansea / Cardiff way that makes them to order, sorry can`t find the link to it.

Car Cables


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