Diesil Prices

they are all just profiteering(thank god for spell checker) its stupid, how can the haulage industry keep up with the price hikes ?????? every thing is gona collapse. may be a good thing in the long run, to make the powers to be come to there senses. the government are like
I am sure its an Ostrich that dose that Mandrake.;)
oops think i got my birds mixed up:eek: but then again one bird looks like another at my age :D:D
(please dont anyone say that was sexist) AS I WAS ON ABOUT THE ONES WITH FEATHERS ON :D:D
if the price goes up much more mine will be static
i mailed pipeline card to say now is the time to join in and get a bit more millitant but as usual we brits wont stick together will we

I heard today in Chollerford, Cumbria, diesel @ £1.37 Lt and unleaded @ £1.22 lt.:eek:, looks like someone is right when they predicted £1.50 Lt. by the school holidays:eek::mad:

Also heard that the last time the farmers/truckers/tanker drivers etc. held there fuel embargo, the cost of diesel at the time was £0.37 pence/Lt.

Correct me if I'm wrong
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I heard today in Chollerford, Cumbria, diesel @ £1.37 Lt and unleaded @ £1.22 lt.:eek:, looks like someone is right when they predicted £1.50 Lt. by the school holidays:eek::mad:

Also heard that the last time the farmers/truckers/tanker drivers etc. held there fuel embargo, the cost of diesel at the time was £0.37 pence/Lt.

Correct me if I'm wrong

I predicted the £1.50 litre for diesel by the end of July Lenny, However I am just too depressed to make a song and dance about it as I think that the Oil Barrons have completely won this particular battle. What are our alternatives... walk.... catch the bus.. if you are lucky enough to have one, no, they are far too in tune with our vulnerabilities and they know we will go on paying............ I read somewhere that escapes me now that as oil is paid for in $, that infact to us here in the U.K that, with the £ $ rate . The cost of oil to us is back where it was at about $70 a barrel or 0.72 at the pump.....However they assume... correctly that this anomally will not be picked up by us PLEBs and that the MEGAGA PROFFIT JUGGERNAUGHT will keep on rolling untill the oil fields run dry....... the working classes are back to walking. But boy will they have a nest egg........... and by then......something else will be available for them to rip the arse out of our pants with.:mad:
I was wrong with the diesel price of £0.37p/lt, It was £0.80p/lt. when the fuel blockade took place and I remember the public were all in favour of the dispute for a few days untill it became apparent that the pumps were running dry and they may have to walk:eek: or get a bus for a short while and their car would have to be laid up for a while:eek:,then they turned against the protesters with a little help from the government.

Society today regard there car as an extention of there body and could not live without it (some would'nt be seen dead actually walking to the shopping centre) and taking a bus would be out of the question(not good for the image) so you're right ,they will go on paying whatever the price, oblivious to the damage they are doing:mad:
Enough is enough!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enough is enough. In the 1970’s when the road fund licence was approaching £200 pa the chancellor scrapped it, placing an extra tax on fuel. A fairer tax on use he explained, the more you drive the more tax you pay. How right he was.. A nominal £5 charge was then made to check documents and a "tax" disc issued to prove they had been checked. Documentation is now fully checkable by computer so the checking disc is no longer needed yet we still have it and the price of checking is going through the roof.:eek::eek::eek:
Fuel tax is a percentage of the fuel cost. Income from fuel increases naturally with the rising cost of fuel. Chancellors do not have to keep increasing that percentage. Every time an old vehicle is removed from service a new one must take its place, that is not energy efficient. Airlines burning millions of gallons of fuel per hour are the ones that should be taxed out of existence not the motorist.
When I go on holiday in my 1981 motorhome I run on SVO (Straight vegetable oil) I stay in the UK and spend my money in local economies. Yet if I understand correctly the road fund licence will be increasing alarmingly because the vehicle is considered an old gas guzzler. If I lose it I will holiday abroad, taking my money out of the country creating more greenhouse gas to get there. Where is the sense in that. As a carbon neutral vehicle it should be encouraged. (not acceptable for entry into the London congestion zone I have only ever been there five times in 60 years so won’t miss it but what a stupid ruling).
As I get older I am more reliant on my own transport but am being priced off the road. Vegetable oil has increased in price by 20p per litre in the past week, how can a 28% increase be justified. The chancellor has now made it law for ALL diesel to include a higher percentage of biodiesel. Whilst most cars less that 10 years old can cope with it older vehicles that have not been modified will suffer from a multitude of problems ending with the vehicle engine being written off. Due to damaged injectors, fuel pumps, fuel tanks and exhausts etc. The extra sulphur in biofuel will combine with the water caused by condensation in half empty tanks (who can afford to keep them full) and produce sulphuric acid, which will eat away at all metal components of the fuel system engine and exhaust. The information on which his decision was based was obviously supplied by the motor industry, who naturally wish to sell more vehicles and not backed by any long term test results. Biodiesel is also more susceptible to the
diesel bug, What is the diesel bug? See below.
Also here
The whole of the transport system in the UK will grind to a halt unless the government decide to hand out bug killing filters for free, to all.
Should we the motorist really be forced to destroy our vehicles by any government??????? If so then maybe it is time for a drastic change.
We the motorist have been the government milsh cow for too long. Cut back on defence stop giving so much in foreign aid (the British people can choose to give or not as the case may be it is not for governments to give on our behalf.) Stop trying to be a world power we cannot compete with the likes of the USA. Cut back on spending instead of increasing taxation. More and more people are fleeing the country because they can no longer afford to live here, but at least that makes room for the millions of immigrants. Some of us will leave this world when we can no longer afford to live here.
*****`s Hymer

***** we know that fuel is getting very expensive but hang on to your Hymer you own one of the best built motorhomes on the road. it`s only my opinion though, others might disagree.
Roland Rat.:)
We have just come back from a fabulous 4 days at Devil's Dyke & diesel prices were around £1.35 in Sussex.
Filled up Knaus for £1.20 per litre in Wickham & I am managing 35.91 miles to the gallon: :D
i dont believe a word of it

You will if you ever get it. A number of garages have had to close in recent years because of it. Tesco's were affected and many people tried to claim compensation. Lorry drivers have known about it for years. To get you have to be infected by diesel that is already contaminated. Do a google search and check it out for yourself. Just because you have never heard of it does not mean it doesn't exist. Any one on here ever come across it before?:confused::confused::confused:
You will if you ever get it. A number of garages have had to close in recent years because of it. Tesco's were affected and many people tried to claim compensation. Lorry drivers have known about it for years. To get you have to be infected by diesel that is already contaminated. Do a google search and check it out for yourself. Just because you have never heard of it does not mean it doesn't exist. Any one on here ever come across it before?:confused::confused::confused:
Yes it was the super markets that got bad Petrol and Diesel cars were breaking down all over the place, The breakdown and recovery services found it hard to cope with it.
That has got to be motorway driving I reckon?

***** that's very little motorway driving, I'm an HGV Class 1 Driver. I just know how to drive a vehicle to try to get the best MPG I can for the conditions I'm driving in.
Before anyone moans, lol, I'm not having a dig at the way anyone else drives or the way they drive.
To get the best MPG out of your vehicle, it's just logic :)
A garage only about a mile from me in gateshead tyne and wear is diesel £127.9 a litre shocking im just glad i can get bio diesel properly mixed for 90p a litre or i wouldnt be able to afford to go wild camping................:D
Just heard on the Radio that fuel prices are set to jump again this week, so fill up lads and lasses........... and with that I am opening a book on the first £1.50 seen for a litre of Diesel. The school holidays start on July 20th this year and the oil Barrons always put it up then ( because they want a share of our holiday savings) so my money is on............ JULY 19th......... 1st prize, my old walking boots, 2nd prize, my road atlas, 3rd prize, a free weeks use of my bus pass when I get it. The new MAFIOSA are in the boardrooms of SHELL, ESSO, TEXACO, MOBIL and last but not least, your BIG,....... GREEN.....WORKING.......FOR.......YOUR..... CHILDRENS..... FUTURE.......( as pedestrinas)............. give a big round of applause for........B.P........ hang on there is someone at the door, looks a bit shifty, ...........BANG!!!!!!!!!
You will if you ever get it. A number of garages have had to close in recent years because of it. Tesco's were affected and many people tried to claim compensation. Lorry drivers have known about it for years. To get you have to be infected by diesel that is already contaminated. Do a google search and check it out for yourself. Just because you have never heard of it does not mean it doesn't exist. Any one on here ever come across it before?:confused::confused::confused:

ah yes i know about the past problems with so called contaminated fuel
but the word bug to me means a critter of some sort something alive
not an inferior mix of fuels
i do believe part of the problem is caused by mixing so called green bio fuels/chip fat and the like with derv or petrol .

all caused by these so called green ideas what noncence it will not make one iota of diffrence to the way nature takes care or not of the world,
as for recycling what a sham the government is trying to fool us in to seperating there rubish for them to appear to be politicaly correct at the same time they tip it all into the same hole in the ground.
green party and the like are nearly there they only need to be a bit lower i.e. under the grass/burried with all there pie in the sky ideas .
then may be we can all get back to a normal way of life
cheers terry
***** that's very little motorway driving, I'm an HGV Class 1 Driver. I just know how to drive a vehicle to try to get the best MPG I can for the conditions I'm driving in.
Before anyone moans, lol, I'm not having a dig at the way anyone else drives or the way they drive.
To get the best MPG out of your vehicle, it's just logic :)

what vehicle have you ?
i have a 2.8 jtd on a low profile so not to much drag average 30 mpg so far mostly long runs
i am also a steady drive i never exceed 2500 on the rev counter this gets me up to 65/70 plenty fast enough
also i am ex hgv of my own so i know how to be econimical
i think you are extreemly lucky to get 35 mpg
long may it continue
ah yes i know about the past problems with so called contaminated fuel
but the word bug to me means a critter of some sort something alive
not an inferior mix of fuels
i do believe part of the problem is caused by mixing so called green bio fuels/chip fat and the like with derv or petrol .

all caused by these so called green ideas what noncence it will not make one iota of diffrence to the way nature takes care or not of the world,
as for recycling what a sham the government is trying to fool us in to seperating there rubish for them to appear to be politicaly correct at the same time they tip it all into the same hole in the ground.
green party and the like are nearly there they only need to be a bit lower i.e. under the grass/burried with all there pie in the sky ideas .
then may be we can all get back to a normal way of life
cheers terry
That is exactly the point I was trying to make a mixture of bio fuel plus fossil fuel. The chancellor has decreed ALL diesel will now be a mixture of the two.
As many as twenty seven (27) varieties of bacteria are responsible for the majority of problems with diesel engines and their performance. There are many differing types of bacteria which can infect systems and form bio-films on steel surfaces. Accelerated corrosion can also occur wherever the bio-film settles, usually in pits or crevices. Unlike general corrosion, it is an attack on a very specific area.
It is very difficult to determine when a system is first contaminated, but once contaminated diesel enters the fuel system, it is very difficult to eradicate.
Diesel bug can originate from the air or moisture, or during tank filling and/or expansion and contraction of storage tanks, the bacteria cover themselves in a protective film (slime) to protect against biocides and can lie dormant in the minute crevices of the metal, rubber and polyurethane coatings of the fuel tanks and fuel systems.
Then, when water is present (a droplet is a lake to a microbe) and the environment hits the right temperature range, they begin reproduction in the area of fuel/water interface.
Microscopic in size, they can develop into a mat easily visible to the naked eye very rapidly. A single cell, weighing only one millionth of a gram can grow to a biomass of 10 kilograms in just 12 hours, resulting in a biomass several centimetres thick across the fuel/water interface.
Each species has its own characteristics:
Bacteria utilise hydrocarbons and reproduce asexually by binary fission; swelling in size as they feed, they then separate into two cells. In this way, microbes double their numbers every 20 minutes, one spore converting to 262,144 in 6 hours.
SRB's are a specific group of bacteria utilising simple carbon, not hydrocarbons, and require the activity of other microbes in a consortium. Aerobic (in the presence of oxygen) or anaerobic (without oxygen) bacteria have a combined effect. The aerobic bacteria (sulphate oxidising) create a film to consume the oxygen first. This allows the anaerobic (sulphate reducing) bacteria to thrive.
SRB's reduce sulphates and produce hydrogen sulphide (a lethal gas). They are directly involved with many microbial corrosion reactions and can cause sulphide souring of stored distillate products. Their action changes the Ph creating an acidic environment, conducive to accelerated corrosion. They attach themselves to the steel as a film and go to work. They derive their nutrition from the surrounding environment and multiply. They are particularly difficult to deal with and produce a sludgy by-product with a strong sulphur odour similar to rotten eggs (hydrogen sulphide).
These also contribute to corrosion, eating steel and reducing ferrite to an oxide through a chemical reaction.
Yeasts prefer acidic environments, such as produced by SRB's. They bud on the parent cell, eventually separating. Reproduction takes several hours.
Fungi grow in the form of branched hyphae, a few microns in diameter, forming thick, tough, intertwined mycelia mats at fuel/water interfaces.
All of these can and do cause damage to the fuel system.

Do you really think all of the technical research is a load of rubbish.
I would guess that soon we shall have to sell our souls for a gallon of fuel so why worry in any case. As the bacteria say live fast die young.

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