Classic paraffin stoves and lamps

Can I pick your brain on which is the best lamp oil to use for my lamp?

For Fathers Day my Daughter got me an Eccles type 6 Miners Safety Lamp. I have sent off for a replacement wick as the one fitted is very short. It seems that some people use a good quality Paraffin as the proper fuel (as was used by the NCB) is no longer available and Coleman oil (as mentioned in this thread) seems a good substitute. What would you recommend please?
I'm wrong you can get a specific type of paraffin for 'oil lamps' I use normal paraffin in my wickys but I may try the proper stuff to compare.
The best quality lamp oil, such as Clearcraft lamp oil, is indeed paraffin but it is not the same as you might find in a paraffin heater for example.

It is a C10-C14 paraffin, which refers to the length of the carbon chain that makes up the fuel.
Above found on tinternet!
I'm wrong you can get a specific type of paraffin for 'oil lamps' I use normal paraffin in my wickys but I may try the proper stuff to compare.
The best quality lamp oil, such as Clearcraft lamp oil, is indeed paraffin but it is not the same as you might find in a paraffin heater for example.

It is a C10-C14 paraffin, which refers to the length of the carbon chain that makes up the fuel.
Above found on tinternet!
Would we pull your chain. 😂
I'm wrong you can get a specific type of paraffin for 'oil lamps' I use normal paraffin in my wickys but I may try the proper stuff to compare.
The best quality lamp oil, such as Clearcraft lamp oil, is indeed paraffin but it is not the same as you might find in a paraffin heater for example.

It is a C10-C14 paraffin, which refers to the length of the carbon chain that makes up the fuel.
Above found on tinternet!
Thanks for that information. I have ordered a kit for the lamp which comprises 2 new gaskets, a length of wick and a replacement flint (it is a relighter type lamp). I will order the clearcraft fuel for it too.

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