Bad wilding behaviour.


Full Member
As some may know we are back on the Isle of Arran. Generally I've not seen any bad wilding behaviour here although in this week's banner (local paper) there was an article about wild campers spoiling it for everyone but it's mainly been tents on Brodick beach and a few other areas leaving the usual mess.

Today however I witnessed two large motorhomes parked at clauchlands at the end of Lamlash bay and I was appalled at how they had taken the place over. I've seen them around the Ireland traveling together over the past couple of weeks. Saw them the other day in Whiting Bay where they had taken over an area locals park boats and their cars on but today they had both vans backed up to the two picnic tables with what looked like all their gear and clothes spread out over not only the picnic tables but they had also taken over the other seats for visitors in between. They had even parked so far back next to one to obscure it. I arrived on the scooter to meet Michelle who was walking and was just going to sit and wait for her. Kayaks and an entire fishing tackle shop strewn everywhere and their own chairs positioned around said picnic tables. I was so furious I just stomped in amongst it all and sat on one of them amongst their gear.

It's probably pointless posting this on here as there is no way morons like this will be members sadly but I felt like a rant. :D

Before we left another large Kontiki arrived so God knows where he was going to go.

I love it here but it's a a fine line we tread and so many places have been lost. The only thing I hope is that they will have just pissed off holiday makers and picnickers and not a local on the parish council. Not sure how long they had been there but I noticed they were there yesterday also.

Rant over.
Shitting hell of course! Why didnt I think of that? I forgot I was a total rock god hooligan for a minute there! That's tomorrow sorted then. Heres the plan. I'll stick on the death before disco and skull and crossbones stick on livery for the sides of the van and turf up tomorrow with Storm Troopers of Death, speak English or die (yes that's a real group and track) playing full chat on the bus then stumble out the van with my human skull full of gin and start playing Marilyn Manson numbers on the toy guitar. That should sort it. 😎
Not seen to many problems on Arran, but possibly I have been lucky.

Heading over there next week for five nights, I will look out for the numpties.

Hope you enjoyed your stay on an island that helps to facilitate us with elsan points and fresh water for free.
Not seen to many problems on Arran, but possibly I have been lucky.

Heading over there next week for five nights, I will look out for the numpties.

Hope you enjoyed your stay on an island that helps to facilitate us with elsan points and fresh water for free.

We will still be here when you come. Be afraid, be very afraid! Mwahahahahaha! If you pick up a WiFi signal called "mad axe murderer" then your too close. :D
Seen one hymer owner do that here a few weeks back in Killkeel harbour car park, corner grassed site beside his van, all out, party in the park, council will soon put hight barriers up im sure.
It’s a basic response of most humans to take all they can for free and disregard the long term effects of their actions, it’s only a matter of time before such short term thinking restricts the freedom they themselves hold dear, and when such restrictions effect them and their own rights they will simply blame everyone else.
I was at Hawes Cattle Market yesterday & when I arrived back from a 3 hour walk some guy had decided to park his motorhome 5 meters away from the local residents houses and run his generator. I commented to the guy as I walked past saying "the local residents are going to love you" he went completly berserk with me, threatening me with a tirade of abuse. He had actually placed the generator about 5 meters away on the far side of his own motorhome so he couldnt hear it but obviously didnt give a toss about the local residents, it was a noisy generator on a Sunday afternoon.
With people like this is it any wonder we are losing places to stay, if the residents choose to complain we may say goodbye to another good stopover.
I was at Hawes Cattle Market yesterday & when I arrived back from a 3 hour walk some guy had decided to park his motorhome 5 meters away from the local residents houses and run his generator. I commented to the guy as I walked past saying "the local residents are going to love you" he went completly berserk with me, threatening me with a tirade of abuse. He had actually placed the generator about 5 meters away on the far side of his own motorhome so he couldnt hear it but obviously didnt give a toss about the local residents, it was a noisy generator on a Sunday afternoon.
With people like this is it any wonder we are losing places to stay, if the residents choose to complain we may say goodbye to another good stopover.

Sadly this sounds like exactly the sort of moron that seems to have latched onto wilding of late. I'm a bit territorial here to be honest. Been coming here on and off for thirty years, in the past before we got a van sometimes four times a year. It's always felt like a privilege to me to be able to park up in some lovely spots and enjoy nature and what to us is somewhere special. When I see that abused, here especially it makes my blood boil. Last September it got too busy with motorhomes (way busier than August) so we left. If I feel that way as a motorhomer and wild camper i can totally understand why so many none motorhomers dislike us and why the no overnighting signs go up.
I am seeing it more and more. Stopped off in a carpark in the Goyt Valley last weekend for a coffee after a few days in the Peaks. Big signs saying no naked flames, no BBQs etc. Right next to the sign were 2 campervans with their stuff stretching into the carpark with an open metal fire pit burning away with lots of wood around it. Also a gas powered BBQ set up next to it. The occupants of the vans were nowhere to be seen but just left the fire burning away. I was tempted to throw water on the fire but resisted as I am 70 and didn’t want a confrontation if they came back.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention they were in the process of chopping up a load of wood to put on a fire they were preparing which to be fair they were going to put in some kind of old tin barrel. What becomes of the barrel when they leave I am unsure. Will find out as we will go along there tomorrow. This might be controversial but I hate bloody fires, especially in close proximity to motorhomes. Assuming the guy in his Kontiki managed to find somewhere to park I dont suppose he would welcome being smoked out all night plus there is the danger of fire risk and no doubt they wont clear up after themselves. Sorry to come across a bit preachy but these people seriously get on my tits.
I'm afraid that it's not just a wild camping thing or a motorhome thing. It's an ignorant, selfish person thing and you find it in all walks of life nowadays.
The problem is that it reflects on others who wouldn't dream of that sort of behaviour but suffer because of it.

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