Always have a stock of these in our van.

We used to get roast chicken (whole) in a tin! It was horrible all squishy and bland. Height of sophistication was chicken kiev, or scamp in a basket!
My fridge freezer and bottle cupboard in the van this week while touring Suffolk and Norfolk. B54045E1-6144-44F4-9161-891FD82D2AF2.jpeg03B4A5CC-BFC0-4264-A0EE-08B40D4487B3.jpegAF422E0E-D228-4E06-934C-ADDD1EE64B1D.jpeg145476C4-A862-49B1-8A6B-7876A668FB88.jpeg2CC06649-194E-4D0F-91BF-CFD7285C7909.jpeg
When I first met Izzy she asked if we should have capsicums with the salad. Sure, I replied, I didn't have bloomin' clue what she was talking about!

A few weeks later she said , "I've got some okra" Great I replied, I still didn't have a clue what she was talking about!
we always used to carry a large bag of Sosmix , a vegetarian sausage mix . luckily , we never had to use it

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