Aeropress Coffee - any good?

Thanks for that, we already buy their Biscoffe biscuits so I will now try the coffee.
Frankly I avoided Aldi for years BUT over the last few years they've started to knock the rest out of the ball park....
Fruit/veg that lasts in the fridge
Meats that are quality (not that I eat Al lot... Being about 95%veggie)
Pizzas fab
Veg cannelloni fab

AND these....

Aeropress has been my 'go-to' coffee maker for the motorhome for years. It makes an excellent black coffee, which I prefer to an Americano made from the proper espresso machine at home. I use the inverted method, no need to stir, leave to steep for 4 minutes after turning onto the cup, swirl a few times in each direction, leave 30 seconds then plunge.
Although there are some Aeropress hacks for making 'espresso' by using two filters (search YouTube), I have a Staresso for espresso in the motorhome -- it makes an excellent single shot but is hard work. With both the Aeropress and the Staresso, the key for me is a half-decent hand grinder; I have a Hario Mini -- note it needs different settings for Aeropress (coarser) and Staresso (finer).

Links below for Staresso and Hario grinder...

For us both Aldi and Lidl have a good selection of (Dare I post it)
English food and continental food.
Lidl wine also good.
Then you have all the other non food items which can be good.
Strangely enough we were in a French Lidl yesterday and they did not stock mustard ???
LP a Sainsburys coffee bag user but I do have an aeropress 3 percolators of various sizes including a 1950/60s Sona percolator I have about 4 plunger style of various sizes a double walled stainless steel plunger and various drip cones that stand on your coffee cup and a Coleman’s gas hob coffee machine, what can I say I’m a coffee addict don’t drink tea.
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I think you like the Sainsbury coffee because it is similar to you, smooth, sweet and nutty 😂😂😂
IIt's all I ever use since going full time, the inverted brew is much better (and the method chosen by most of the competitors in the Aeropress World Championships) and a resuable filter can change the taste. Like Trotter said hardly a new thing first sold in 2005 and there's literally hundreds of videos on Youtube with loads of different brewing methods, is it as good as a "proper" expresso machine, probably not but it's still a great cup of coffee. I also use Lavazza, the Crema e Gusto Classico Ground one and their packs are larger than the others, 250gm compared to the the common 227gm.

Another one here for Aldi ground coffee in an Aeropress, while away in our campervan. (proper coffee machine at home) Try Nestlé coffee mate instead of milk. Tastes much nicer.
I now use the Aeropress all the time, both at home and in my van. It gives good (enough) coffee, it's easy to use, easy to keep clean and it's also easy to decant all the waste into my my kitchen caddy for composting.
In another very interesting topic on portable solar power stations the use of an Aeropress coffee maker was mentioned to make decent coffee without the need to use any 240v expresso coffee machine.

I am intrigued as not come across this device but done a bit of Googling and looks interesting.

Does it produce coffee of the filter variety, which for me is wishy washy, or is it more 15bar expresso in style?

Clearly there is one user out there in the wildcamping world but are there any others?

Thoughts please as I may invest in one.
Looks like a lot of faff to me, we use a regular filter coffee maker with a good make of coffee grounds.
Asda instant at 67p a jar, detest strong black ground coffee served in coffee joints, tastes like old shoe soles melted down, yuck.
We all have different tastes , fortunately.
Personally don't drink instant coffee . It is a totally different product to me .
I'm surrounded by cafes , unfortunately not many go the extra yard when making coffee .
Probably seems like a faff to many but the ones who do it properly produce the best espressos.
Funny that
Personally think there’s a lot of snobbery regarding ‘proper coffee’. Despite comments here, spent coffee grounds are beneficial to the environment. A fellow allotmenteer who works in a coffee shop has been providing me with grounds for years.

They don’t fertilise soil, but they are good to aerate, retain moisture as well as improving drainage.

They smell pretty good for a few days too. 😉
Personally think there’s a lot of snobbery regarding ‘proper coffee’. Despite comments here, spent coffee grounds are beneficial to the environment. A fellow allotmenteer who works in a coffee shop has been providing me with grounds for years.

They don’t fertilise soil, but they are good to aerate, retain moisture as well as improving drainage.

They smell pretty good for a few days too. 😉
Are you sure its dark coffee you are sniffing and not the white columbian type. ;)
Calm down Trev, smell is one thing - sniffing conjures up completely different connotations. Great ‘Half Man Half Biscuit’ song title - What made Columbia Famous proves my point 😉

Personally think there’s a lot of snobbery regarding ‘proper coffee’. Despite comments here, spent coffee grounds are beneficial to the environment. A fellow allotmenteer who works in a coffee shop has been providing me with grounds for years.

They don’t fertilise soil, but they are good to aerate, retain moisture as well as improving drainage.

They smell pretty good for a few days too. 😉
Hear that said a lot when food and drink are being discussed . Of course it is often true .
There is also a great deal of inverted snobbery on the same subject
Sitting in the motorhome supping my morning Aeropress-brewed, freshly ground Lavazza Oro; I nearly choked laughing at the mention of "snobbery". Although I class myself a 'coffee snob', it's because I can really taste the difference. Very few cafés get it right. So I mostly drink tea when out because there's less chance of 'them' messing that up. TBH, it's an affliction and in some ways I wish I'd never discovered the taste of real coffee -- but I have and that's why I have an Aeropress in the van!

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