Deleted member 9237
I think all benefits should be cut even pensions we dont need it now do we.:lol-049::lol-049::lol-049::lol-049:
I think we have moved closer to the American model with two dominant centre right parties. Whether you support one or the other often depends on nothing more than tribal loyalty. Blair was a master of disguise and managed to dupe the unions and enough of the rest of the party to join him in privatising NHS suppliers, authoritarian policy like ID cards, and lying so he could join in other men's wars.
Society has to wake up and hand children back to their parents, what the hell are we doing having the state take responsibility for their learning from toddlerhood to adulthood? There is no wonder they become dysfunctional adults self determination is essential to independence and yet we the taxpayers employ a whole swathe of others to raise children.
Some of the worlds most successful education systems have a starting age of seven.
Why are we determining their lives to the point that they become adults who are unaware of vast swathed of history having only been taught pre determined areas of it?
Why do we no longer have teenagers who can create from wood, fabric etc?
We have got it wrong , the future cannot be predicted to the point where a five year old can be trained in the skills needed to become a productive member of the workforce 13-15 yrs hence.
We have the technology to run an education system that enables children to reach their full potential , that ensures computer whizzed kids attain their goals, that ensures the fashion designers have the necessary skills, that ensure the shop workers have great customer skills , that ensure the people keeping our streets cleaners have pride in their jobs due to them knowing all the local history and the local community and are able to leaise with others to keep the area safe.
If we want our children to become responsible adults they have to be allowed to learn and to have that learning facilitated , teaching doesn't work in it's present form and I suspect many teachers would gain much more job satisfaction from having their chains removed because they know the children and are able to recognise their areas of skill not some overpaid whitehall mandarin.
Todays parents have never had to make decisions we need to let kids learn for themselves only then will we have responsible adults.
Of course reducing state interference in education will save lotsa dosh and leave many educationalists job hunting but ....
Nearly all those in politics now have come directly from upper class schools, are qualified in law or accountancy and have never lived in the real world. None of them know what it's like to have to count the pennies and they have no understanding of struggling to pay the electricity or gas bill.
Er, no they haven't! Parliament is stuffed with people from many different professions, from authors, through soldiers and teachers. But perhaps you can explain to us how being a plumber or a factory worker prior to entering parliament will make you a better lawmaker because remember, that's the primary function of parliament, to govern and enact laws so that hopefully our lives continue to improve?
We get this same total nonsense about teachers: 'They've never been in the real world..blah, blah, blah' What's the real world? Is it a factory or a hospital or on the streets with a brush? How does working in any of these jobs make you more aware of anything?
I want my law makers to be educated and intelligent. Running a country isn't like running a small business for God's sake! Do we have to experience starvation to be able to understand it? Do we have to experience dire poverty to know what it must be like for those who suffer it? It's the more intelligent people who will actually be able to understand the plight of others, because they're intelligent!
I know, let's ban the following people from standing for Parliament:
Rich and successful people because they can never understand what it's like to be poor and struggle to make ends meet.
Poor people who will never understand the problems of the middle classes, the great bulwark of British society.
The middle classes who cannot understand the problems of the rich or the poor, never having experienced them.
School teachers who've never lived in the 'real world'.
Factory workers who've only ever worked in a factory and have no idea what goes on anywhere else.
No one with an IQ above average as that means that they're elitist and can never understand Sun readers.
That'll do for a start! I'm sure that those trades and professions remaining will provide enough suitable people for the very complex task of running a country and will propel the U.K into a new age of enlightenment and prosperity.
Er, no they haven't! Parliament is stuffed with people from many different professions, from authors, through soldiers and teachers.
Yes, but none of those are in positions that allow them to make decisions. It is the well-healed, privately educated types who make the decisions and there's more to ruling a country than just making laws, there's also the need to understand what the people require and what the country requires to become successful.
Because of the narrow experience of those in the cabinet over the last couple of decades, the majority of our manufacturing capabilities have disappeared and so has the education needed to train young people for such jobs. All that is considered by Government these days is service and financial industries, which is why we're now in the current situation as a nation!
Incidentally, the best teachers I have known have come into teaching from other professions!
The only thing I would take issue with in your post is the thing about identity cards. I know they are not popular but I can't help feeling that, along with a national DNA database, they would help to solve a lot of crimes. But before you come back at me, I know they could also be abused by an unscrupulous (ie take your pick of any of our parties) government. This is one of those issues on which I can see both sides of the coin.
decisions are made by parliament, not by a few individuals.
I can just see my gardener coming up with a policy to help see Britain through the Euro crisis. "Eh, what are you on about guv?"
Benefits were supposedly designed for a helping hand and not a career option and that is the bottom line.
We need to be pro-active here in making claimants earn their handouts.In whatever they are doing they need to have some sence of selfworth and i see no reason why they cannot be made to work x amount of hours in the community or wherever else in that aim.
As it is now they are allowed to redundantly laze around without a care in the world whilst the rest of us have to fund them.
I also cannot fathom how it is that some of these people seem to be able to spend the majority of their time in the pub,which is what is happening where i live, it is an injustice and an insult to those that pay their taxes and alarm clock britain.
It is the do-gooders and nanny state that we have lived in over the last few decades that have got us into this position.
The goverment needs to be taking more action and faster,lets at the very least get them out of bed with the alarm clock like the rest of us who have had to do so to earn a living.
What we do need in the u.k is commonsense and a goverment with some conviction .
May i also make a suggestion that we start with the doctors who also contribute to the problem by handing out sick notes that prevent healthy individuals from working by handing out excuses.