How nice to be rushing to post this so that I can get away overnight in the Tranny
Having had a couple of quiet days at home, during which time I've been "busy" outside in the sunshine, doing outdoor jobs instead of paperwork, emails, reports, articles and housework inside the house, I've had a lovely day at a craft workshop in Shap Village Hall making a Nuno Felt scarf - Nuno Felt is when you bond raw sheep fleece (cleaned and dyed lovely colours) onto a fabric such as fine silk or muslin, using water, soap and elbow grease - the fleece shrinks and bonds into felt onto the fabric and you can end up with some lovely results. I'm very pleased with my flowery nuno felted silk scarf I made and it was good to have a "girly" day and chatter with like-minded people about crafty things, the local village show, dogs, shops, general gossip etc.
Then to come home with the prospect of a lovely summer's evening ahead, with a weather forecast of the same for tomorrow when I'll be spending the day outdoors at an informal fun team dog competition with friends from our dog training association tomorrow down in Lancashire, what better way to spend the evening than rushing round throwing food and clothes in the Tranny, before an hour's drive to stay overnight with permission in a farmer's field tonight. And to top it all, I'll miss Eurovision as I'll be driving!!
Hopefully I can blag a 2nd night in the field tomorrow and as I don't have to be home till Monday lunchtime, I can have another lovely wild camping evening tomorrow.
What have you all been up to this weekend? Hopefully out and about in your respective MHs enjoying the weather and finding some lovely spots to stay. Some photos would be good so please post some.
That's all, got to dash as Eurovision's beginning and I want to get away from it, and I need to go and bring in the 3 sheep fleeces from last summer which I've been washing and drying over the past few days for van insulation. It's nearly shearing time again so I needed to make some space for some more fleeces this year!
Looking forward to hearing your sunshine weekend stories and seeing photos.... :have fun:
Having had a couple of quiet days at home, during which time I've been "busy" outside in the sunshine, doing outdoor jobs instead of paperwork, emails, reports, articles and housework inside the house, I've had a lovely day at a craft workshop in Shap Village Hall making a Nuno Felt scarf - Nuno Felt is when you bond raw sheep fleece (cleaned and dyed lovely colours) onto a fabric such as fine silk or muslin, using water, soap and elbow grease - the fleece shrinks and bonds into felt onto the fabric and you can end up with some lovely results. I'm very pleased with my flowery nuno felted silk scarf I made and it was good to have a "girly" day and chatter with like-minded people about crafty things, the local village show, dogs, shops, general gossip etc.
Then to come home with the prospect of a lovely summer's evening ahead, with a weather forecast of the same for tomorrow when I'll be spending the day outdoors at an informal fun team dog competition with friends from our dog training association tomorrow down in Lancashire, what better way to spend the evening than rushing round throwing food and clothes in the Tranny, before an hour's drive to stay overnight with permission in a farmer's field tonight. And to top it all, I'll miss Eurovision as I'll be driving!!
Hopefully I can blag a 2nd night in the field tomorrow and as I don't have to be home till Monday lunchtime, I can have another lovely wild camping evening tomorrow.
What have you all been up to this weekend? Hopefully out and about in your respective MHs enjoying the weather and finding some lovely spots to stay. Some photos would be good so please post some.
That's all, got to dash as Eurovision's beginning and I want to get away from it, and I need to go and bring in the 3 sheep fleeces from last summer which I've been washing and drying over the past few days for van insulation. It's nearly shearing time again so I needed to make some space for some more fleeces this year!
Looking forward to hearing your sunshine weekend stories and seeing photos.... :have fun: