Alternative to Toilet Blue?


Full Member
I know its been discussed to death but we are off to the Scottish Islands on Tuesday and I have no "Blue" or anything else for that matter. Mrs D has a delivery from Tescos tomorrow so last chance to get something.

Is it Bio Tabs / Liquid you need to get? Which is best and anyone got a recommendation for something from Tescos please so she can add it on?
We are we the tablets
Also cheap cola from Lidl 4 big bottles down drains drive for ten mile Oreo the drain
Never had any smells etc
Cheapest you can find tablets or liquid, as long as it’s bio, all good.
Cheapest cola for flushing grey water drains and tank.
Cheapest washing liquid for cassette.(Bio or non-bio ?) Edit I see bio is advised !
Never any paper or wet-wipes in the cassette.......doggy bags

I agree about the wet wipes, but why no toilet paper?
I thought that Bio should be avoided if disposal is to septic tank.

I use the green sachets.

Do you know what they are called and if Tesco sell them? I wonder if I would be better just having a run up to Catterick and get the proper stuff.
Do you know what they are called and if Tesco sell them? I wonder if I would be better just having a run up to Catterick and get the proper stuff.
Blue shouldn't be used in many disposal sites, can't see that bio laundry fluid would be any worse.
T'other week gf got some 'green' from Aldi
Do you know what they are called and if Tesco sell them? I wonder if I would be better just having a run up to Catterick and get the proper stuff.

Bit specialist for Tesco. I think best bets are Dealer or Net.
Blue shouldn't be used in many disposal sites, can't see that bio laundry fluid would be any worse.
T'other week gf got some 'green' from Aldi

I Thought it was if it used Formaldehyde and I dont think the Blue stuff does anymore. I stand to be corrected of course. I want to get the right stuff as its likely some disposal points we will use up in the :Scottish Isles will be sceptic tanks possibly.
If worried about septic tanks maybe use non-bio.
We need a chemist/sewage professional to advise !
My thoughts are that natural toilets are biological and breakdown waste.
To me that suggests bio is best.
I look forward to a knowledge based answer

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