Your a free loader

I would have to agree with him...

...having worked for almost fifty years, paid thousands in tax, not to mention council tax, then retired, spent several thousand pounds on a camper then another £600 on tax and insurance I must be a freeloader. I think I've earned the right to spend my retirement exactly as I want to and if that includes parking anywhere I want to, as long as I don't cause an obstruction or park illegally then tough.

I've just spent 8 days contributing to the local economies of Devon, Cornwall and Dorset and will soon be doing the same again. The sooner this Country gets out of the NIMBYiest attitude the better. Volunteers can be the bane of everything, as they have no authority, probably volunteer because no one will give them a real job doing whatever they are doing and I've dealt with enough of them during my working life not to tolerate them now.
I don't think I would have said anything - why bring myself down to his level? A shrivelling stare would have been enough, I think.

Jokes aside, that's what I would do... nothing, not even a withering stare let alone a shrivelling one.

We live in a so called free market economy, when his local campsite can offer a preferable alternative to the "wild" option I have chosen, then I'll take it. Until then and until the law clearly prohibits wild/freecamping it's the status quo for me.
I forgot to mention the economy of Somerset...

...I knew stopping at Clarks Village was a mistake, it cost me a fortune:)
I have the same view as Bushtrekker. I took early retirement after working all my life and paying out a fortune in various taxes including income tax and road tax, so I think I've earned the right to wildcamp in my own country. Like most of us, I carry all the facilities that I need, so I don't always need the hassle of staying on a campsite just for somewhere to sleep overnight (as well as paying some silly campsite fees for the privilege). I also park up late at night, and move on first thing in the morning without leaving any sign of my staying, or inconveniencing anyone.

It may be amusing to know if this character owned a caravan or motorhome, and hear his reasons for always paying someone just to sleep in his own van? :)
I was parked near the canal in a carpark with no signs or restrictions.
A volunteer from the IWA rudely acused me of being a freeloader!
I buy chips from the local chippy and beer from the tesco and from the pub just up the canal!
So I asked ''what am I getting for free that anyone who turns up in a car is not getting?

What do you or would you say in reply to anyone acusing you of being a ''freeloader'' while wilding in your van ?

I would think that the person was jealous of your lifestyle or a sheep who easily takes on the opinions of others without thinking them through.
I would think that the person was jealous of your lifestyle or a sheep who easily takes on the opinions of others without thinking them through.

This could well be true - always with the caveat that "Jealously breeds contempt!"
Remind BWA or BWB that the rain falls from above for free; this fills up the rivers and canals for free, and then BWA/BWB pump it out and sell it to farmers and electricity generating stations etc; for large sums of money!
Maybe I would have asked him that if he went shopping and there were two supermarkets in town and one had a free car park and one was £25 which one would he choose?

Also ask him why if he went out and paid tens of thousands of pounds for a self sufficient motorhome then why would you then want to pay someone else more money to park it when it can be parked here on this car park for free?

Probably a frustrated tugger like that idiot that came on here from the foresty commision (Gareth someone or other) telling us not to wildcamp in the lake district.
Its down to the fact that boaters now pay VAT and road fuel duty on diesel for their boats. Some of the less educated boaters accuse the motorhome fraternity of muddying the waters by claiming that the only difference between the 2 types of leisure vehicles was the taxes on fuel.
i'm not allowed to say but it ends in ''off''

Yes me to nbrown I've used this phrase in a few countries to those pissing me off and it works a treat.

I think after OK this is the most universal phrase.

I even used this to an arab guy in Tunisia as he tried to force a desert fox on me to take a photo. But I said it slow and loud in case misunderstood, it worked.

I would have said that to the guy by the canal then let the missus on him. lol.
Why is getting something for free a bad thing. To me its the next best thing to winning something.:p


Quite right Richard. In economics, a free rider (or freeloader) is someone who consumes a resource without paying for it, or pays less than the full cost. The free rider problem is the question of how to limit free riding (or its negative effects). Free riding is usually considered to be an economic problem only when it leads to the non-production or under-production of a public good (and thus to Pareto inefficiency), or when it leads to the excessive use of a common property resource. The term free rider comes from the example of someone using public transportation without paying the fare. If too many people do this, the system will not have enough money to operate. Another example of a free rider is someone who does not pay his or her share of taxes, which help pay for public goods that all citizens benefit from, such as roads, water treatment plants, and fire services.

So there is an implied suggestion by the local idiot that you are getting for nothing, a resource you should be paying for.

Of course there is nothing that you should pay for so the claim is erroneous and simply a misguided insult.

I still say chuck him in the canal next time :mad1:
My advice is just hold your head up high, smile and carry on with what you are doing.

sorry to be boring but when it says'you can turn off this advert in you usercp' what does it mean,i can't stand waiting for the stupid adverts to load every time i do something edit;damn meant to start a new thread with that,distracted by grumpiness again
sorry to be boring but when it says'you can turn off this advert in you usercp' what does it mean,i can't stand waiting for the stupid adverts to load every time i do something edit;damn meant to start a new thread with that,distracted by grumpiness again


What's wrong with being a freeloader. Doesn't it show initiative and common sense? I just wombled 2m of nice paracord from rubbish left behind by campers at Lakefest and I'm making no apologies for it!
i would say yes i am but atleast i am not doing a person out of a job now ---- off
Assuming that we all pay our road tax, insurance etc it would be interesting to ask him what exactly it is that we are getting for free that he and his parked car are not. We may get our water free from local garages etc but only if the owner of those establishments agrees. We might be using the sun for power but the last time I looked no-one was being charged for using sunlight. We might dump our toilet waste down free public toilets but then so does everyone else who uses them (just not all at once!). However, facts rarely influence people who think as he does and throwing him in the canal might result in retaliatory action, so I would probably pretend I am Bulgarian and can't understand a word he is saying.:have fun:
I was parked near the canal in a carpark with no signs or restrictions.
A volunteer from the IWA rudely acused me of being a freeloader!
I buy chips from the local chippy and beer from the tesco and from the pub just up the canal!
So I asked ''what am I getting for free that anyone who turns up in a car is not getting?

What do you or would you say in reply to anyone acusing you of being a ''freeloader'' while wilding in your van ?

YES! YES I AM!! (and give them a big proud smile)
So what's the difference between someone who sleeps in his boat on the canal, and someone sleeping in a van beside it?

I think too many people are obsessed with trying to charge everyone for absolutely everything they do nowadays?!!
I would have smiled and then promptly agreed with him, before pointing out that I had worked form the age of 15 and payed tax all these years, been retired for the last 13 years and still paying tax on my pension, and still paying tax etc; on all the things I buy for everyday life.
And if he was below the age of retirement I would then ask why he was not at work and offer him a :beer:

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