Your a free loader

Much as I hate politics and politicians maybe we should be learning from the political climate. Austerity in our spending but no reason why we cannot have a bit of growth in our attitude to our fellow man or women. :)

I don't suppose he's ever had a picnic by the coast and done the cafe owners out of money?? Or repaired his boat/car/whatever and done the respective person out of his money? Or taken a ticket off someone as they leave a car park??

Some people only see things from one perspective.

I call it getting the most out of a finite resource
So what's the difference between someone who sleeps in his boat on the canal, and someone sleeping in a van beside it?

I think too many people are obsessed with trying to charge everyone for absolutely everything they do nowadays?!!

Probably about £1000 cos the boat will have paid for BWB licence, mooring fees & an expensive waterways safety check, I know we pay road tax & MOT but it ain't nearly as much as a canal boat pays!
Freeloader & proud of it if thats what they want to label us, I think it's a British disease seeing somebody else get something for nothing (called jealousy). I remember when we had a small cabin cruiser on the canals many years ago (it was expensive then) we would 'freeload' by mooring out in the country rather than in a marina. You would think of all people boaters would be more on our side I fail to see the reasoning behind the fact that just because you can afford to pay something (campsite fees) that you should have any guilt trip about getting somewhere nice to stop for free. If it was more acceptable & easier to find places to stay for free it would encourage more of us to holiday & spend our money here rather than going off to France/Germany etc. where we are welcomed in most places.
I have 2 mottos in life
Skive to survive (i work with the council)


take anything you get for free and look for more (im scottish)
ps we dont have copper wire it was sold for scrap :)
Assuming that we all pay our road tax, insurance etc it would be interesting to ask him what exactly it is that we are getting for free that he and his parked car are not. We may get our water free from local garages etc but only if the owner of those establishments agrees. We might be using the sun for power but the last time I looked no-one was being charged for using sunlight. We might dump our toilet waste down free public toilets but then so does everyone else who uses them (just not all at once!). However, facts rarely influence people who think as he does and throwing him in the canal might result in retaliatory action, so I would probably pretend I am Bulgarian and can't understand a word he is saying.:have fun:
I guess that many people who make sweeping statements such as that simply dont think, but repeat what they have heard others say.
Probably about £1000 cos the boat will have paid for BWB licence, mooring fees & an expensive waterways safety check, I know we pay road tax & MOT but it ain't nearly as much as a canal boat pays!

On this years fees try about £2000 minimum. Maybe even £3000 if they use a posh marina down south. Our insurance is double for our narrowboat than the MH, Think the license is now around £1200, & mooring fees around £1000 (46ft boat). The only thing thats cheaper is the fuel as NB's run on red diesel.
One more thing. I know there's a few ex canal boaters on here. I hope you've all kept your BW keys as its a great source of fresh water & toilet disposal facilities.
BW Key

I for one kept my key, afterall I payed for it when I first moved onto the Forth & Clyde canal!!!!
I guess that many people who make sweeping statements such as that simply dont think, but repeat what they have heard others say.

Absolutely right - that is how all blind prejudice spreads. It is amazing how often you hear people talking about experiences a mate of theirs had as if they were there themselves. If they tell the story enough times they begin to believe they actually were there and it happened to them. Thus we get scare stories about "gassing" or being murdered in your motorhome by gangs of Albanians in motorway service stations etc etc. Human nature is a strange beast. :)
I would have been very tempted to use one of my fav comebacks and tell him to Foxtrot Oscar... And when he doesn't understand dance him into the canal!! I have no time for people like that - get a life and jog on!!
NOT a free-loader

I have to agree with Bushtrekker and Fairytooth. In order to 'free-load' I would need to consume a resource - difficult to argue in the case of an overnight parking space at a remote location.
I expect to pay when I park up at a recognised campsite - because it's owned, run and maintained which of course has a cost. If I park up on the side of the highway which is owned by us all, who should expect to be paid? What is there to maintain especially for our use that would not be incurred for the use of day-time picnics etc?
:have fun:
PS - I'm a newbie ... and considering full membership :eek:
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