There was supposed to be a new Ardrossan/Brodick ferry in service by now. In a fit of virtue signalling the Scottish government decided it was to be dual fuel, able to run on oil or LNG, seemingly a first ever. Fergussons the Clyde yard building it has run into major technical problems and is in ongoing legal dispute with the the Scottish government as to who is responsible for the escalating costs.It earlier had to be modified after they discovered the bow bulb made it unable to get into Ardrossan harbour. In the meantime I believe the build has stopped and the ferry route is still reliant on the old Caledonian Isle - or was until it crashed into the new pier at Brodick. Its away being repaired and a smaller replacement operating.....causing chaos to the island.
The new ferry terminal at Brodick, a multimillion pound project, is causing yet more problems as it is at right angles to the old pier and now subject to easterly swells when the ferry is unable to dock. Cal Mac were warned about this before the project was started, but chose to ignore the advice.
As fracking for the gas has effectively been banned in Scotland, if the new ferry is ever completed, I am assuming the LNG will be travelling across the Atlantic from fracking sites in the USA into Grangemouth then trucked across to Ardrossan. I'm not sure how this helps the environment.
What the island actually needed was to have 2 smaller ferries criss crossing increasing capacity and convenience.
Arran is an amazing place and you are right I'm lucky to be living here even if we do sometimes complain.....midges, cleggs( horseflies), rain, more rain, Cal Mac, state of the roads, gales, about 50" of rain a year in the sunny south of the island and possibly twice that in other parts, long winter short summer as in all of Scotland. But then the rain stops, the sun sparkles on the sea and Kintyre and the islands of Sanda and Ailsa Craig magically appear and there is nowhere else to compare.