For me it is the artificiality of the people on sites.
The peering and twitching of curtains really focs me off.
I am a member of the CC and I read a readers letter a while back where some sad barsteward was correlating the towing car with the weight of the outfit being pulled then sharing all about the 85 percent rules etc ...foccin sad!!!
It mattered so much to the individual that it was worthy of a letter to the club mag...( and they printed it )
I wont in recreation time at least be told what I will and won't do so club sites are a means to an end in my book.
Moreover I am comfortable with my own company and the hounds, so we set the agenda of a walk etc...It is possible I am not a people lover and possibly anti social ( but in a nice way).
My sister and I do wonder where these people come from-we have both seen complete jobs worths wardens on CC sites! Plus my hubby did have a run in with one warden on one site about washing up dog bowls in the washing up area? Some bloody stupid sign-we'll not be going back there!
After one night of drinking and merryment we thought we would be asked to leave-we'd had to to much fun! Next morning people walking by pointed and made comments-our sin?
Drinking, having a BBQ then playing on our Wii in the awning, they had only been out a few weeks, and we played on a tiny telly, it was great fun! I'm sure know one walking by had a clue what was going on! LOL
Also some fellow caravan club members-sad old buggers! Until we bought our MH we had a 33 year old classic Hymer Eriba pan caravan, all of 12 foot of it, towed it behind our 1.4 TDi fabia, it was and still is fully hipped (very floral inside and out-fairy lights etc.) Loved that caravan made people smile or point and laugh. One bloke couldn't believe we coudl be happy with it-he had a brand new tip top white box, but this to daughters asked "next time can we get a caravan like this one?" His face was a picture!