You forgot to say your cooker wont cook a turkey either..
....You bunch of numpties.... I friggin hate wilding…
in fact I hate vannin…
oHHHHfrigginekkk …..me light have gone out..
battery’s flat so the gas won’t light…
Jeeeeseswept the gas needs changing.. and it’s pithin down
Why’zzz me watter gone cold ****
Blow air… blown air my assspect… it couldn’t blow a feather off a stuffed chicken
Silver screen condensation.. what’s all that about.
Cold… ohhh yes… run out of gas in the middle of the night and yer fire goes out so you wake up with frozen nuts….
Nope... stick yer wilding… gimee a civilised camp site with lecki any day.
That’s it… I’m sellin up to buy a hotel… you lot… yer barrrrred