Maybe a T shirts called for " WILD, BUT NUMPTY " or " NUMPTY GOES WILD" or " I'M A WILD NUMPTY "
Maybe a T shirts called for " WILD, BUT NUMPTY " or " NUMPTY GOES WILD" or " I'M A WILD NUMPTY "
BTW Our friend Saj is second favourite for the moment
Numpty comes from the Greek; nomptasis..... which being a pronown and a Greecean adjective Nunptaty..... was an integral comment of derision upon the subspecies englatossera an inhabitant of isles north of Watford.
however Muppit is a latin derived word from the Muppetas;which is easily translated to "to be manipulated as a puppet" therefore we must assume that the former, being an indication that the receptor is of a total lack of motor skills would deem the statement an insult, differs slightly from the later, which implies of being susceptable to manipulation.
In my treatis: of 1992 " The Cognitve prusiac linkage twixt ascerpaic pressurmpturism and archaic supperextorampismatisms", I touched on the possible links of the forstated words in chapter 711 under the sub heading "veropropertabalisms". So you might like to seek it out in your library to find a more substantial explanation.
Dug this old thread out, because today I hit the NUMPTY spot again
Checking the tyres on the Pioneer, found what looked like a nail got the magnet out of the shed and it went mad, so took her down to the local tyre guys so that it could be jacked up and checked, not wanting to risk a flat at home.
The Stone was flicked out of a small cut immediately but when I said the magnet stuck to the tyre, the reply was "well they are steel radials"
NUMPTY or what!
Bloody glad it was a stone.
Happy Camping