Funky Farmer
I think today we will splash out a fair bit of the old pension on beans on toast. OK I know it's a bit lavish but what the heck :lol-053:
Obviously you have a superior lifestyle to we paupers. I bet you gorge yourself on caviare and chips with brown sauce.:lol-053:Yuk
Cut the middle man out and open them and pour straight into bin !
Same for the toast or feed it to the birds
Obviously you have a superior lifestyle to we paupers. I bet you gorge yourself on caviare and chips with brown sauce.:lol-053:
My lunch was a gluten free crumpet spread with marmite topped with a laughing cow and a poached egg.....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm:tongue:
You are all showing off now about the exotic places you have been. Falmouth and Leatherhead indeed :lol-061:
One of my favourite breakfasts is Kippers with a poached egg on top, I also love a fry-up, but today my wife made me Muesli with natural yoghurt and summer fruit compote, I've got to say, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I feel quite healthy now.
Going for a fag to make it right
Simple food can be the best. A smoked-bacon sandwich on toast, boiled egg on a fresh buttered baguette but, like the OP I love beans on toast. Very healthy and tasty.
Needless to say of course, now that I'm middle class I put a sprig of parsley on the beans.