What's for lunch?

Funky Farmer

I think today we will splash out a fair bit of the old pension on beans on toast. OK I know it's a bit lavish but what the heck :lol-053:
Cut the middle man out and open them and pour straight into bin !
Same for the toast or feed it to the birds
Obviously you have a superior lifestyle to we paupers. I bet you gorge yourself on caviare and chips with brown sauce.:lol-053:
Obviously you have a superior lifestyle to we paupers. I bet you gorge yourself on caviare and chips with brown sauce.:lol-053:

we have a two tins of beans between all fourteen of us, and when we really get hungry we'll open one of them..........oh to live the life of luxury
Stop braggin' will ya :lol-053:

I had some fish paste a few years ago. So there :)
at a time when airline food was top class,in my school holidays age 14 i was asked to night watchman a catering premises near heathrow.i was given a large black dog and an empty shotgun,and the keys,including the key to the coldroom.i too really like beluga caviar on toast,and got a taste for smoked salmon,in fact i could live off canapes. but i did enjoy the sardines on toast i just ate!
My lunch was a gluten free crumpet spread with marmite topped with a laughing cow and a poached egg.....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm:tongue:
I had Beluga once when I was on a course in Leatherhead and once on our wedding anniversary at Rick Steins seafood restaurante in Padstow. I agree that it is delicious and different to Lumpfish Roe, however, I do like Lumpfish roe, and we always have Smoked Salmon, scrambled eggs and Lumpfish roe for our Christmas day breakfast as well as Bucks Fizz (only made with Cava though).
probably my favourite is fresh white bread and butter,and two eggs,laid that day and boiled for 5 1/2 minutes and six minutes,that way the second egg is still runny,and if noones looking i have soldiers.washed down with sweet tea-yum.since i gave up fags i'm showing a LOT more interest in food,wife keeps calling me fatboy,mind you i made 12 steak and kidney pies yesterday morning and a large chili con carne today.....hmm haven't had cake for a while
You are all showing off now about the exotic places you have been. Falmouth and Leatherhead indeed :lol-061:
One of my favourite breakfasts is Kippers with a poached egg on top, I also love a fry-up, but today my wife made me Muesli with natural yoghurt and summer fruit compote, I've got to say, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I feel quite healthy now.

Going for a fag to make it right
One of my favourite breakfasts is Kippers with a poached egg on top, I also love a fry-up, but today my wife made me Muesli with natural yoghurt and summer fruit compote, I've got to say, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I feel quite healthy now.

Going for a fag to make it right

Pssst! Was she looking over your shoulder? :lol-053:
Simple food can be the best. A smoked-bacon sandwich on toast, boiled egg on a fresh buttered baguette but, like the OP I love beans on toast. Very healthy and tasty.

Needless to say of course, now that I'm middle class I put a sprig of parsley on the beans.
Simple food can be the best. A smoked-bacon sandwich on toast, boiled egg on a fresh buttered baguette but, like the OP I love beans on toast. Very healthy and tasty.

Needless to say of course, now that I'm middle class I put a sprig of parsley on the beans.

Poseur :p
Nice hot cross bun, [ currant bun will do but not as good ] thickly buttered , nice lump of strong Cheddar in it and a packet of Cheese and Onion crisps jammed in as well .heaven, not really enough for lunch even if you eat two, but a super snack.
Really pushing the boat out this lunchtime. Bacon and Brie baguette washed down with a pint of Green King IPA.... Loverly
Fry some bacon onions and mushrooms in a pan, in a small drop of good olive oil, add some curry paste or powder to taste, break a couple of free range eggs to the mix and stir until the eggs are cooked and mixed in [Scrambled ] season to taste,and serve it in a warm Pitta Bread , or nice crispy brown roll, Yum Yum.

Or, fry some minced Beef ,Lamb or Pork ,onions ,chopped mushrooms a Chilly or two, some curry paste or powder to taste and eat this in a Pitta bread or bread roll with Lettuce and Tomato or any other salad stuff or shredded cabbage you like, Yum Yum, all ready in about 10 minutes.

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