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Back on thread

Getting back to the original question...................................Not much at the moment, I had a small operation on my shoulder on Monday, so laying up for the next few weeks unable to drive for around six weeks :(

Thanks hazy-thoughts for getting back on thread, however sorry to hear you are out of action for a bit , here's to a speedy recovery.
Watching England v Switzerland

Well as no one else seems to be posting tonight apart from me. I will take myself off to my own little well equipped torture chamber and self flagellate myself by watching the spoilt, overpaid, talentless, self opinionated, undermotivated, underachieving, rabble that is the England football team as they try to keep their expensive couture and manicures form getting damaged in a pointless friendly.
Aw c'mon they must be due a good win sometime.
Maybe tonight!!!!!
This weekend


Leek Edge Farm this weekend:cool:
We meet some cool dudes:D:cool:
Looks a nice quiet place not been out since Cromford:mad::mad:
time factor work realy does get in the way:mad::mad:
Looks a nice quiet place not been out since Cromford:mad::mad:
time factor work realy does get in the way:mad::mad:

HI Tim, sorry to hear you have not been out since Cromford!
This is our second outing since then!
We try to go away every 2 weeks!
You would be most welcome to join us any time!
At easter we are going to either Aberywystwyth or Caernarfon, Wilding of course:D:D

i got stuck up dogseal or do i mean stuck behind him 2 day in whitby:eek::D:D:D
It is and we had had a meet in an adjacent field last year:D:cool:
is that the wee site u go to all the time,***** looks nice and quiet, u had a good weekend with the weather, it's been great up here over the last few days
could be worst i could be stuck at home and not enjoying my wild caming and the a beer or 2.
or wot chills u out been with dogseal all weekend in whitby he,s not 2 bad but his sh.t stinks.:eek:
when we r oot in the van, i have traffic jam behind me, i thought they just liked us .. ha haa:D

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