What Happened?

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I know that your rather extreme views on free speech have taken a bit of a drubbing in this thread and that you may be feeling a bit miffed but there's really no need to take it out on me in such a rude and aggressive manner. My opinion was based on the following comments from other posters, which perhaps you haven't noticed?

Post 8 from Haaamster: Didn't really read a lot of that thread but from what I did read I think a few people jumped the gun when it looked like the parents were arrested and vented their fury on them.

Post 13 from Phil: Isabelle Harris the six year old girl that died after having a seizure was removed as I had many complaints about the thread as it implied that the parents were responsible for Isabelle's natural death. I felt that this thread was not really relevant to this website and decided to delete it.

Post 18 from Phil: I understand your position on free speech, however I can not even start to understand how you can even connect this deletion with free speech. A family tragically lost their young Daughter and an article was published on this website that incorrectly implied that they had murdered their beloved child.

Perhaps you missed some of the thread in question? Either way I think that most people might agree with me that, reading the posts that I quote gives a clear implication that someone did suggest that the parents were responsible. If the people in question have posted misleading comments, perhaps you should take it up with them and not shoot the messenger?

I quote again from the last post by Phil in case you still haven't got the message: A family tragically lost their young Daughter and an article was published on this website that incorrectly implied that they had murdered their beloved child.

It is always dangerous to base your opinions on the reports of others about what was said. As has been pointed out by others who actually read the thread, there was NO criticism of the parents - as you would be able to see for yourself if the thread had not been removed. The criticism was directed at the police or the press (the former, in my opinion, unfair; the latter well-directed). I trust you have learned from this experience. By the way, I had to smile at two points in your reply:
1. What is an extreme view of free speech, other than one you disagree with?
2. If you don't like rude and aggressive manners (and I don't accept that mine was in this case) then perhaps you should avoid them in your own replies.
Thank you for a reasoned response. However, I used the word murder as it had already been used by Phil, as I have explained in my post above.

Yes, totally understand :) What I meant was that it was the media that cynically headlined the word murder, when the actual content of the article was much more measured. Seems to happen a lot these days!
It is always dangerous to base your opinions on the reports of others about what was said. As has been pointed out by others who actually read the thread, there was NO criticism of the parents - as you would be able to see for yourself if the thread had not been removed. The criticism was directed at the police or the press (the former, in my opinion, unfair; the latter well-directed). I trust you have learned from this experience. By the way, I had to smile at two points in your reply:
1. What is an extreme view of free speech, other than one you disagree with?
2. If you don't like rude and aggressive manners (and I don't accept that mine was in this case) then perhaps you should avoid them in your own replies.

So there's no chance that you missed one of the latest posts? Or perhaps Phil is lying? You then criticise me for taking cognisance of the views that I quoted, but then base your own argument on the views of those who support your stance, as in: As has been pointed out by others who actually read the thread, there was NO criticism of the parents.

I quoted people who had also read the thread! Why is it acceptable for you to quote others, but not me?

Extreme free speech is speech with no boundaries whatsoever, which you certainly give the impression of supporting. It would appear that there is nothing too vile, to offensive or too untrue that you would not allow? I'm sorry if I'm wrong here but that's the impression that I've got of you.

Perhaps you may now learn something? Such as allowing people to quote the posts of this site's owner and taking them in good faith and as true? I repeat again what Phil said as you seem to be deliberately ignoring its existence: A family tragically lost their young Daughter and an article was published on this website that incorrectly implied that they had murdered their beloved child.
I totally agree, let me put my view point across from another perspective.

many years ago on a warm spring day my kids were playing in the garden on the swings, my two year old son all of a sudden fell really ill, i drove like a mad man to the hospital, less than 11 hours later while i held him he sighed and left us........if it wasnt for the fact that it was very evident that meningitis was the cause, then i too could of been arrested until cause had been found. I can't imagine how this would of effected me or my family, i can guess that as i had extreme trouble coping with this anyway, my daughter would probably have lost both brother and father......

the police have to look at these things suspiciously until cause is found, BUT the press should show more respect and certainly more sensitively but as far as they are concerned that wont sell their rags......
I am glad it was pulled...its a horrible subject......good move Phil


I'm not sure that it would be right of me to add a "Like" to your comment, due to your own tragic events, but I would like to offer my sincere thoughts and condolences to you and your family.

Also in the circumstances, to offer my respect for your reasoned view of the actions by the police and others involved.

More and more nowadays, I feel "old-fashioned" with my views of decency and respect (where deserved).

In my view, the main thing that we should be focussing on from this recent sad event is the very real dangers of toxic fumes or irrespirable atmospheres that we may encounter as wildcampers, so as to avert another similar tragedy.

I think that it will shortly be time to close this thread, and put an end to some of the "point-scoring" that some contributors seem to be so obsessed with.
I totally agree, let me put my view point across from another perspective.

many years ago on a warm spring day my kids were playing in the garden on the swings, my two year old son all of a sudden fell really ill, i drove like a mad man to the hospital, less than 11 hours later while i held him he sighed and left us........if it wasnt for the fact that it was very evident that meningitis was the cause, then i too could of been arrested until cause had been found. I can't imagine how this would of effected me or my family, i can guess that as i had extreme trouble coping with this anyway, my daughter would probably have lost both brother and father......

the police have to look at these things suspiciously until cause is found, BUT the press should show more respect and certainly more sensitively but as far as they are concerned that wont sell their rags......
I am glad it was pulled...its a horrible subject......good move Phil


sorry meant to quote Jens post..Doh

I know exactly what you mean, condolences from one bereaved father to another.
I think one just has to accept that there will never be free speech on forums. Things have to be removed for a variety of legal reasons. They can even be removed becase they are not judged to be within the spirit of the forum or good for the forum.

The most practical route is simply to accept what has happened and move on to other threads. If one can't accept that, then try other forums where the moderation may be slightly more lax. Arguing that the policy should be changed in favour of free speech is likely to lead nowhere, because that can never happen legally. Even if the admin allowed it, the forum would be pulled by the authorities, or the forum host, or webspace hosts, or isps due to legal pressure at some stage.
I think one just has to accept that there will never be free speech on forums.
Things have to be removed for a variety of legal reasons. They can even be removed becase they are not judged to be within the spirit of the forum or good for the forum.

The most practical route is simply to accept what has happened and move on to other threads. If one can't accept that, then try other forums where the moderation may be slightly more lax. Arguing that the policy should be changed in favour of free speech is likely to lead nowhere, because that can never happen legally. Even if the admin allowed it, the forum would be pulled by the authorities, or the forum host, or webspace hosts, or isps due to legal pressure at some stage.

Hi,Having kept away from this unfortunate thread on principle I feel that the secondary issue “the subject of free speech” is disingenuously being used as a cover for the “I can say what I like & as forcibly as I can” brigade.

Its worth remembering that the great freedoms we enjoy in this Country also come with great responsibilities.

All the other web sites that I belong to have freedom of speech, this one is no different. We are just expected to use it wisely.

Dezi :pc:
So there's no chance that you missed one of the latest posts? Or perhaps Phil is lying? You then criticise me for taking cognisance of the views that I quoted, but then base your own argument on the views of those who support your stance, as in: As has been pointed out by others who actually read the thread, there was NO criticism of the parents.

I quoted people who had also read the thread! Why is it acceptable for you to quote others, but not me?

Extreme free speech is speech with no boundaries whatsoever, which you certainly give the impression of supporting. It would appear that there is nothing too vile, to offensive or too untrue that you would not allow? I'm sorry if I'm wrong here but that's the impression that I've got of you.

Perhaps you may now learn something? Such as allowing people to quote the posts of this site's owner and taking them in good faith and as true? I repeat again what Phil said as you seem to be deliberately ignoring its existence: A family tragically lost their young Daughter and an article was published on this website that incorrectly implied that they had murdered their beloved child.

I think the most interesting - and worrying - thing here is that you have stated several times that you never read the thread and yet you have also said several times that you are glad it was removed. It does not matter what the thread actually said (although it is fascinating that in its absence, several people have assumed it said something it didn't). I didn't like the thread but what I do and do not like is not relevant and, no, your position and mine are not the same; I actually read the thread.

Further, I have NEVER advocated free speech with no boundaries. The debate is about where those boundaries are drawn. I have many times stated that there are laws setting limits to free speech and I would never advocate breaking those laws. However, if something is not breaking the law (and Phil has, by his silence in response to my earlier point agreed that no law was broken here) then you are on very dangerous territory if you start banning things because you don't like them. These are the roots of totalitarianism. For example, some people find the music of Wagner distasteful; some find the paintings of Dali distasteful; some find the Daily Mail distasteful; the Chinese find Facebook distasteful - where do you draw the line?

And a final word to those who want this discussion to stop because they find the topic in the original thread one not suitable for discussion here: I agree with your unease and disgust in relation to that topic but this thread is not about that - it is about whether things (anything) should or should not be banned in a free society. We could continue to debate that without any further reference to the original thread.
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Hi,Having kept away from this unfortunate thread on principle I feel that the secondary issue “the subject of free speech” is disingenuously being used as a cover for the “I can say what I like & as forcibly as I can” brigade.

Its worth remembering that the great freedoms we enjoy in this Country also come with great responsibilities.

Dezi :pc:

What I am actually defending here is the right of people to express views that I disagree with, so your assessment is a little upside-down.

I do, however, agree totally with your point about rights and responsibilities - as I have said many times on other threads and indeed here. The debate is about who sets the limits of responsibility and where do they set those limits? Any ideas?
:( am rate glad a wor born dead fick and dint become a Master debater :idea-007:
What I am actually defending here is the right of people to express views that I disagree with, so your assessment is a little upside-down.
I do, however, agree totally with your point about rights and responsibilities - as I have said many times on other threads and indeed here. The debate is about who sets the limits of responsibility and where do they set those limits? Any ideas?

I have intention of getting into a long pointless debate with you John. We have been down that road before.

I would however gently suggest that with your ability to continually shift the goalposts around to suit your position a full time

job as goalkeeper at Doncaster rovers awaits - they are in dire straits.

Dezi :pc:
Some people never learn when to shut up Dezi.

Or when to refrain in the first place.

Anyway, it is common knowledge that Old Arthur is a master debator (the dirty oick). :lol-061:
I think the most interesting - and worrying - thing here is that you have stated several times that you never read the thread and yet you have also said several times that you are glad it was removed. It does not matter what the thread actually said (although it is fascinating that in its absence, several people have assumed it said something it didn't). I didn't like the thread but what I do and do not like is not relevant and, no, your position and mine are not the same; I actually read the thread.

Further, I have NEVER advocated free speech with no boundaries. The debate is about where those boundaries are drawn. I have many times stated that there are laws setting limits to free speech and I would never advocate breaking those laws. However, if something is not breaking the law (and Phil has, by his silence in response to my earlier point agreed that no law was broken here) then you are on very dangerous territory if you start banning things because you don't like them. These are the roots of totalitarianism. For example, some people find the music of Wagner distasteful; some find the paintings of Dali distasteful; some find the Daily Mail distasteful; the Chinese find Facebook distasteful - where do you draw the line?

And a final word to those who want this discussion to stop because they find the topic in the original thread one not suitable for discussion here: I agree with your unease and disgust in relation to that topic but this thread is not about that - it is about whether things (anything) should or should not be banned in a free society. We could continue to debate that without any further reference to the original thread.

This and you are getting very tiresome, so I shall now have one last go at trying to explain to you what actually happened. This is the sequence:

A member stated that he did not find anything offensive in the thread. Based on the reports of the thread that I'd read I replied:

'Not overtly offensive? Accusing a grieving couple, without any evidence whatsoever, of being responsible for the death of their six-year-old child isn't offensive? I missed the thread but I'm almost glad I did as my reaction to the idiots in question would no doubt have got me banned forever.'

Now as this was a debate on free speech, it is actually irrelevant as to whether the claims by Phil and others are true. I could have posted a purely hypothetical question using the same terms and most people would have been able to work that out.

The poster to whom I replied didn't choose to challenge my view but, some time later, you came along and said this about me:

'You missed the thread but you are sure of your opinion of it - well done. In fact, the thread contained NO accusations against the parents (up to the last post I was able to access). What it contained were several anti-police comments. But, despite your nonsensical views about something you didn't see, I will not be asking for your post to be removed.'

Now on several occasions I have told you that I based my opinion on statements by other people who had read the thread, including Phil, who wrote, and I'll put it in bold because, up to now, it's as though you deny its existence.

Phil wrote: I understand your position on free speech, however I can not even start to understand how you can even connect this deletion with free speech. A family tragically lost their young Daughter and an article was published on this website that incorrectly implied that they had murdered their beloved child.

Have you understood it? He said: A family tragically lost their young Daughter and an article was published on this website that incorrectly implied that they had murdered their beloved child.

I have explained and explained how I came to form a view but it's like talking to brick wall. You squirm and obfuscate and refuse to accept the reality of the situation and continually deride me for having the gall to form an opinion based on the statements of others, including the owner of the site.

So I will finish by asking you a some simple questions.

1.Have you never formed an opinion based on facts told to you by a third party?

2. Did Phil lie when he said: ...an article was published on this website that incorrectly implied that they had murdered their beloved child.

3. Was it wrong of me to take his statement as true, or should I have immediately suspected that he was lying?

4. Is it possible that, in between your last viewing of the thread and it being removed, that a post or posts could have been submitted and missed by you?

As far as I am concerned there is only one reason why you accused me of posting nonsense and having the temerity to comment on a thread that I actually hadn't read, and it's because of an antipathy to me from previous spats, and that antipathy caused you to hit the keyboard without putting your brain in gear. Now, as has already been said, you're moving the goal posts yet again.

Any chance of a straight answer to my questions?
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Well Desmond and Arthur, the fact that we are so fed up with these pointless squabbles that we have resorted to taking the p*** out of the main protagonists has had NO effect whatsoever.

Hopefully they will have a severe bout of apoplexy and be confined to bed. A dose of Castor Oil might shut them up. :dance:
Well Desmond and Arthur, the fact that we are so fed up with these pointless squabbles that we have resorted to taking the p*** out of the main protagonists has had NO effect whatsoever.

Hopefully they will have a severe bout of apoplexy and be confined to bed. A dose of Castor Oil might shut them up. :dance:

Has it ever occurred to you that some of us may actually enjoy the cut and thrust of debate? I thought that the 'Off Topic' type of forum section was intended for that? Or perhaps you think that only the things that interest you are worthy of debate.

It's been said many times but I'll repeat it for you. If a thread isn't of interest to you, don't read it. I delve into a tiny number of threads on this forum, as many of them are of no interest to me. But they're obviously of interest to others, and good luck to them.

If there's anything more boring that long drawn-out threads, it's the people moan about them!
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