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I did not read the thread as I have to deal with death and disease in my professional life so have little interest in it during my leisure time but I have to agree with John H. Giving the more grounded people on here a chance to educate some on the fringe of reality has got to be better than censorship. You have enabled members to ignore the people that they have no wish to listen to so if a thread is not overtly offencive, perhaps joining in the discussion and helping direct it?


That could be seen as offensive in itself, you are assuming that your opinions are superior to others and that some of us need educating by their superiors?

I did not read the thread as I have to deal with death and disease in my professional life so have little interest in it during my leisure time but I have to agree with John H. Giving the more grounded people on here a chance to educate some on the fringe of reality has got to be better than censorship. You have enabled members to ignore the people that they have no wish to listen to so if a thread is not overtly offencive, perhaps joining in the discussion and helping direct it?


Not overtly offensive? Accusing a grieving couple, without any evidence whatsoever, of being responsible for the death of their six-year-old child isn't offensive? I missed the thread but I'm almost glad I did as my reaction to the idiots in question would no doubt have got me banned forever.

Do you really believe that anyone should be able to say anything about someone on a public forum? There's free speech and there's outright libel of the kind that can ruin people's lives for ever.

Evelyn Beatrice Hall (not Voltaire as is often quoted) said: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it". However, that was a century ago before the Internet, where unfounded and malicious allegations can become common currency all over the world in minutes.
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That could be seen as offensive in itself, you are assuming that your opinions are superior to others and that some of us need educating by their superiors?

Can I steal that comment Rob, seems to be the perfect reply to every post for least one person on here.
That could be seen as offensive in itself, you are assuming that your opinions are superior to others and that some of us need educating by their superiors?

Hi Robmac,

Yes I agree with you. It was not meant to be offencive but does sound a bit bid headed. My attempt at diplomacy in a difficult subject failed therefore you have educated me so does that not prove my point.

i find it quite offensive that members are commenting and name calling already and they havnt eaven seen the thread, typical :mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2:
Hi Robmac,

Yes I agree with you. It was not meant to be offencive but does sound a bit bid headed. My attempt at diplomacy in a difficult subject failed therefore you have educated me so does that not prove my point.


Errr not sure, but good of you to admit your diplomacy failed
Can I steal that comment Rob, seems to be the perfect reply to every post for least one person on here.

And this from the person who can't work out that a smoking room may no longer contain smokers. Grow up and give it a rest will you? And stop polluting threads with snide comments that have no bearing on them whatsoever just because you had a disagreement and were made to look very silly on a previous thread.
i find it quite offensive that members are commenting and name calling already and they havnt eaven seen the thread, typical :mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2:

Yet when Haaamster makes a thoroughly snide and nasty comment that has nothing to do with this thread and is a personal attack on an individual, you click the the 'Like' button. You really ought to have a look at your own standards.

Now perhaps we can get back to a sensible debate on the merits or otherwise of 'free' speech?
Not overtly offensive? Accusing a grieving couple, without any evidence whatsoever, of being responsible for the death of their six-year-old child isn't offensive? I missed the thread but I'm almost glad I did as my reaction to the idiots in question would no doubt have got me banned forever.

Do you really believe that anyone should be able to say anything about someone on a public forum? There's free speech and there's outright libel of the kind that can ruin people's lives for ever.

Evelyn Beatrice Hall (not Voltaire as is often quoted) said: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it". However, that was a century ago before the Internet, where unfounded and malicious allegations can become common currency all over the world in minutes.

What I ment was if you say the wrong thing then someone will put you right on this site. There is a name for the people that love to post scandelous statements about tragedies but it escapes me. If they make them on here and get mauled then tuff. Might just stop them doing it on the families facebook account.

i'm happy for phil [still not sure if he is a person or a commitee] to make decisions of this kind,right or wrong.i would hate to be mother hen to you lot!
What I ment was if you say the wrong thing then someone will put you right on this site. There is a name for the people that love to post scandelous statements about tragedies but it escapes me. If they make them on here and get mauled then tuff. Might just stop them doing it on the families facebook account.


I do understand your point, but for everyone who may try to put you right on this site there'll be others who'll support your libel! I really do believe in free speech but not unfounded accusations against individuals, and isn't that what we're talking about in this case? I respect your right to call me an idiot or to tell me that my politics stink, because that's always subjective, but if for instance I told you that I led a boy scout brigade and you started implying from that that I must have paedophile tendencies, does that come under the banner of reasonable free speech?
Yet when Haaamster makes a thoroughly snide and nasty comment that has nothing to do with this thread and is a personal attack on an individual, you click the the 'Like' button. You really ought to have a look at your own standards.

Now perhaps we can get back to a sensible debate on the merits or otherwise of 'free' speech?

what you mean like the personal attacks you dish out? my own standards? thats rich coming from you Northerner, quite hypocritical sir, if i may call you sir
And this from the person who can't work out that a smoking room may no longer contain smokers. Grow up and give it a rest will you? And stop polluting threads with snide comments that have no bearing on them whatsoever just because you had a disagreement and were made to look very silly on a previous thread.

When I want your opinion I think i'll ask for it mate, until then I suggest that you don't think that everything people post on this site has to be about you. That's a mighty big headed opinion in my opinion so in future kindly shut it.
Made to look silly :confused: and being made to look silly is something you appear to do in every thread you enter with your made up cobblers but then that's probably not your opinion.
what you mean like the personal attacks you dish out? my own standards? thats rich coming from you Northerner, quite hypocritical sir, if i may call you sir

But you just don't get it do you? I couldn't care less if you attack me in a debate in which we're both arguing. What is childish and silly is snide attacks on people that are nothing whatsoever to do with the thread are are slipped in just because some sad person bears a grudge.

And this is the result. Haaamster can't resist his nasty little comment, you 'Like' it and then bleat on about people calling names. You're the worst kind of hypocrite.
When I want your opinion I think i'll ask for it mate, until then I suggest that you don't think that everything people post on this site has to be about you. That's a mighty big headed opinion in my opinion so in future kindly shut it.
Made to look silly :confused: and being made to look silly is something you appear to do in every thread you enter with your made up cobblers but then that's probably not your opinion.

So your snide little comment definitely wasn't about me then? Come on, have the courage to tell the truth. I shall leave it to your conscience to decide if you're telling the truth or not.

Debate with me any time but don't make nasty and snide little attacks that have nothing to do with the thread, just because we clashed swords on a previous occasion. That's not worthy of you or of anyone.

Now, can we get back to free speech of which the last few posts haven't been the finest example?
No it wasn't about you actually, it was about a certain person that doesn't seem to be on here much but seemed to have an opinion on everything and everyone upsetting many as he went along.
But if you still want to think it was about you then go ahead,it's not my worry.
I do understand your point, but for everyone who may try to put you right on this site there'll be others who'll support your libel! I really do believe in free speech but not unfounded accusations against individuals, and isn't that what we're talking about in this case? I respect your right to call me an idiot or to tell me that my politics stink, because that's always subjective, but if for instance I told you that I led a boy scout brigade and you started implying from that that I must have paedophile tendencies, does that come under the banner of reasonable free speech?

This is getting worse than one of those Chicken and Egg things but at least that's funny. Paedophiles are not funny however they do exist. If you know who they are they become less of a threat but drive them underground. I'm not going there. Forgive me but I think I'm going to a different thread.

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