Google is pretty invasive, all the time you use it it also reports back to the Googleplex where you have been, what WiFi networks are around. It even detected when I re-located mine from one place in my property to another.
It used to be that you could turn these things on and off, but with the newer Android versions you can't. Either enable Google location services for "a better user experience" or do without.
As do their "street view" cars.
Even working off-line or in aeroplane mode, it stores this stuff, next time you connect it feeds it back.
That may be very convenient, it will also locate you're lost or stolen 'phone or tablet, tell you where it was last turned on, where it is, let you wipe it remotely, but I'm instictively not so happy with all that.
However this seems to be the world that we now live in, constant surveillance. Not that I have anything to hide.
A standalone solution suits me better so I choose to use other things that AFAIK don't do these things. My navigation tablet is set up as far as I can tell to eliminate the Google spying and runs in "aeroplane mode" which does not turn off the GPS and makes the
battery last much longer..
My ancient TomTom has no mechanism to do such things.