Washer fliud


Full Member
Has anybody got a recipe for making you’re own washer fluid. Just hate paying a fiver for the ready made stuff in gallon containers I go through loads and it’s never there when you need it most. I know about fairy liquid and water but it’s greasy and freezes was gonna try and make my own any ideas. And I got 19 out of 19 for spelling yesterday lol FLIUD that’s Gaelic for fluid ok��
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Has anybody got a recipe for making you’re own washer fluid. Just hate paying a fiver for the ready made stuff in gallon containers I go through loads and it’s never there when you need it most. I know about fairy liquid and water but it’s greasy and freezes was gonna try and make my own any ideas.

Never use washing up liquid, it contains salt which can affect the screen rubber
Has anybody got a recipe for making you’re own washer fluid. Just hate paying a fiver for the ready made stuff in gallon containers I go through loads and it’s never there when you need it most. I know about fairy liquid and water but it’s greasy and freezes was gonna try and make my own any ideas.
Distilled water, water with no limescale would help.

But screen wash mixture if you buy it in the supermarkets is so cheap.

One word of caution is mixing different make screen wash additive seems to block the washers and pump filter.

Never use washing up liquid, it contains salt which can affect the screen rubber

The amount of salt in a squirt of washing liquid is no more harmful to the seals than the ethanol/methanol in commercial screen wash.
I have googles washer fluid bulk and you can buy 25 ltrs for 19.99 of concentrated screen wash.

I hope this helps.
Buy the concentrated stuff from your local motor factors. Much cheaper than Halfrauds or Tesco. Home Bargains ready to use is like pi5h water.
Seems less bother just to buy 25 litres of concentrated stuff so ordered that thanks lee. The make you’re own options was too much faffing about. Distilled water I thought that was whiskey. Wonder why you can just mix the concentrate with tap water but all the instructions to make tell you to use distilled water (whiskey).
I use concentrated screen wash in our toilet as an antifreeze in the flush tank so in autumn I look for the antifreeze offers there are usually plenty of BOGOF to be had.


Has anybody got a recipe for making you’re own washer fluid. Just hate paying a fiver for the ready made stuff in gallon containers I go through loads and it’s never there when you need it most. I know about fairy liquid and water but it’s greasy and freezes was gonna try and make my own any ideas.
Just noticed I put the Gaelic word for fluid down fliud is a anothe dyslexic word for pish😜 an if you believe that Ye deserve everything that’s coming to Ye 🤪
Distilled Water

You can use the water from a tumble dryer or air conditioning.
A free supply.

Hi,I think its worth noting that the screen wash bulk buy is rated for -5 which is ok but down south they have had -12 a couple of days ago,another thing to bear in mind is the location othe washer bottle as some are very exposed to the weather in the engine bay.I was fotunate enough to buy 10 litres of bluecol screenwash -18 at £9.50 late this summer from asda and that I think is the way to save cash by buying out of season.Also buying a high minus rating you can dilute it to what you like.
Just noticed I put the Gaelic word for fluid down fliud is a anothe dyslexic word for pish😜 an if you believe that Ye deserve everything that’s coming to Ye 🤪

I can’t believe a man of your standing is penny pinching over a bit of screen wash get a grip buy one less six pack and treat yourself. 😂😂😂
Beer. ⚖️ Sreenwash screen can stay dirty I’ll take the beer and piss in the washer bottle. No it’s just that I was on the motorway today and the road was mingin then the washer ran dry so pulled into Services and picked up a gallon of ready mixed washer stuff I nearly fainted when he said 9.99 told him where to shove it and bot a two litre bottle of water for 1.50 an put that in it. What happened to the wee watering cans that used to be at every garage now they just want to screw you for every little bit
I buy my Holts concentrated screenwash from Costco, from memory I think it was about £10 for 5 litres. It will go down to -36 if used neat.
I buy my Holts concentrated screenwash from Costco, from memory I think it was about £10 for 5 litres. It will go down to -36 if used neat.

Gonna be a surge to Costco,phil,wully and all them guys that love sorry live oot o Costco,
They are good mind you😡
I believe a basic mixture is 1 part meths and 1 part water ... never tried it myself, but was told this years ago.

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