Washer fliud

Back in my younger days I was a submariner and we used method to clean the periscope top window , it had to be perfectly clean for the sea water to drain quickly and clearly. If no method was available wardroom gin was an acceptable substitute, duty free of course.
Back in my younger days I was a submariner and we used method to clean the periscope top window , it had to be perfectly clean for the sea water to drain quickly and clearly. If no method was available wardroom gin was an acceptable substitute, duty free of course.

I'm guessing for method read meths ... bloody spellcheckers, lol.
I believe a basic mixture is 1 part meths and 1 part water

that would certainly work.......have you seen the price of meths?

(5L currently priced at £16 on amazon - the water of course would be free)
A few weeks ago, I bought a 2.5 litre bottle of concentrated washer fluid for £1.99 in the local Tesco. Seemed a good price, and it now seems it was cheaper than buying it in a 25 litre drum. I wonder if Tesco had mispriced it.

2.49 £ in our Tesco 3 wks ago
If I'm desperate I will get out and chuck a couple of handfuls of snow at the windies ... this is usually sufficient to get them clear enough to drive on ... I have seen occasions where I have used one of those "sports" bottles with the drinking nozzle to squirt water from the driving seat (usually coz some silly sod used water or diluted windscreen wash during winter to top up the washer bottle ... I always used the undiluted stuff during the winter months in my Unit and in my own vehicles.)

Sadly, this year I have been caught out ... The last time I topped up my washer bottle was about a month ago and I have used next to nothing from it since, therefore I need to try and empty it by excessive use so I can get some squoosh juice in, I think it's gonna be a cold winter this year, this is only December and it's beginning to get a bit fresh out there already ... Christ, one day last week I had to put on a long sleeved tee-shirt to go shopping, my arms were getting cold wi' the short sleeves I normally wear.
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have you seen the price of meths

Haven't had any need to buy a bottle in years, the last bottle I bought was for my fish smoker and I have used about ½ of it so far in something like 5 years (or more.) There's an old fashioned hardware store not far from mwhere I live so I can probably still buy it in bigger than 1L bottles if required.
If I'm desperate I will get out and chuck a couple of handfuls of snow at the windies ... this is usually sufficient to get them clear enough to drive on ... I have seen occasions where I have used one of those "sports" bottles with the drinking nozzle to squirt water from the driving seat (usually coz some silly sod used water or diluted windscreen wash during winter to top up the washer bottle ... I always used the undiluted stuff during the winter months in my Unit and in my own vehicles.)

Sadly, this year I have been caught out ... The last time I topped up my washer bottle was about a month ago and I have used next to nothing from it since, therefore I need to try and empty it by excessive use so I can get some squoosh juice in, I think it's gonna be a cold winter this year, this is only December and it's beginning to get a bit fresh out there already ... Christ, one day last week I had to put on a long sleeved tee-shirt to go shopping, my arms were getting cold wi' the short sleeves I normally wear.

Yes well worth having a water bottle, 2 litre bottle or old washing up liquid bottle kept in the warm for when the washers freeze up.

Yes well worth having a water bottle, 2 litre bottle or old washing up liquid bottle kept in the warm for when the washers freeze up.


yep, nothing worse than stuck on the motorway behind another big wheeler kicking up his crap in your face ... as you creep up on him ready to use the next 20 miles of middle lane to overtake :wink:

I know I should never admit this, but I often drove around with my wipers going on a dry screen, took a while, but it could eventually clear enough to see where you were going rather than navigating by Satnav ... many many times my Satnav told me where I was on the M6/M74/M73/A9 in thick fog ... very useful to know that you are aproaching a bend in the road rather than find out as you hit the grass, lol.
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