Wanted gaslow system

Also is a metal safety locker a necessity it will be fitted inside if so can anyone recommend somewhere to get one ??
its not very hard to make a metal locker or even cover a ply wood locker in sheet aluminium. its not a requirement in this country so you dont have to do it. what you do have to remember is even if you just have a plywood locker drill a hole through to the outside in the floor where the gas bottles are kept. as lpg gas is heavier than air it can drop out through the hole. to your last question i personally have never been asked or stopped from filling bottlers . in any country . have been assisted in many and even filled some for a few places .i dont go waving the bottle about in the first instance. i fit the adaptor pre the visit to the filling station . open locker door or boot of car . and zap its full. go and pay. never been told by anyone not to do it again . i think its scare mungers spreading rumours that starts most of these stories. if you live near cornwall come and bring an empty bottle then have a go before you buy one. cheers alan.
i dont sell them just trying to be helpfull.
i decant gas regually(spelling) from tanks and cylinders and even tankers, but thats my job,
i work for one of the major lpg companies, a few facts
refilling cylinders is only to be done by the company that own the cylinders or a contract filler, the branded cylinders are and always will be the property of the gas company as has been said you only ever rent the cylinder and should have your original contract for your rental refund which decreases yearly and believe me you would never get back!
cylinders do not have an auto shut off only flt cylinders and auto gas tanks(not cylinders) do
forecourt dispensers in this country only stop filling when full which is to late for your cylinder that should be only filled to 85%
i believe and will check it out tommorow that filling cylinders off a forecout dispenser is illegal read the warning on the dispenser.
that said i do fill my own 6kg cylinder, i fill it from empty, i release all the gas pressure (in a controlled manner :) ) and fill by weight realeasing the over fill LIQUID so i take care not to get a cold burn,
as said there is people who will fill there own and if done with care and caution i cant see the harm, i wouldnt do the electrics in my house, i would leave it to the guys who know what they are doing nuff said on that.
there are pol fittings available on line there is also a lot of info on line but we all know its there,
lastley why fill on a forecourt you are paying road fund duty on it, get a 47kg and decant from that,
pm me for a tip on getting more gas out of a 47kg without a pump
hi misty . i have a calor refill agreement here . and it says quite clearly on section 3 this agreement is not a rental agreement and does not provide the user with the title in the cylinder.
and definately my old tank for lpg does not have an 80 percent cut off valve.
cylinders do have a pressure relief valve though.
pumps should turn off before the bottles are full. but its best to start empty then fill by weight /litres.
sometimes it works out cheaper to fill at the pumps than exchange the bottle even the 45kg. the real purpose is to be able to fill when away from home as bottles are sometimes of a local use. (not calor). or fill when abroad.
will pm you about the last bit. good one .cheers alan.
I want to be able to fill my own bottles, so can someone please tell me exactly what I need inorder to do this please? I looked and I'm unable to see how I send PM's on this new layout ... I'd like details on how to get more gas from the larger 47kg tanks thanks misty.
Is there one kit that is better than the others ie. has more flexability over more of Europe?

hi dolmen .give me a ring . i.ll give you a number to ring where i got mine .cheers alan.
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Tnx I'll give you a shout tomoro ... you can take your number down now if you wish ...


Any chance i could get the number as well ,or am i just as well getting one from ebay ?

Cheers Scott
i decant gas regually(spelling) from tanks and cylinders and even tankers, but thats my job,
i work for one of the major lpg companies, a few facts
refilling cylinders is only to be done by the company that own the cylinders or a contract filler, the branded cylinders are and always will be the property of the gas company as has been said you only ever rent the cylinder and should have your original contract for your rental refund which decreases yearly and believe me you would never get back!
cylinders do not have an auto shut off only flt cylinders and auto gas tanks(not cylinders) do
forecourt dispensers in this country only stop filling when full which is to late for your cylinder that should be only filled to 85%
i believe and will check it out tommorow that filling cylinders off a forecout dispenser is illegal read the warning on the dispenser.
that said i do fill my own 6kg cylinder, i fill it from empty, i release all the gas pressure (in a controlled manner :) ) and fill by weight realeasing the over fill LIQUID so i take care not to get a cold burn,
as said there is people who will fill there own and if done with care and caution i cant see the harm, i wouldnt do the electrics in my house, i would leave it to the guys who know what they are doing nuff said on that.
there are pol fittings available on line there is also a lot of info on line but we all know its there,
lastley why fill on a forecourt you are paying road fund duty on it, get a 47kg and decant from that,
pm me for a tip on getting more gas out of a 47kg without a pump

How do you decant gas from a 47Kg bottle without a pump?
use two pol connectors and a length of high pressure hose . then lift the full bottle upside down and open the valves . .i have a winch set up in my garage just for doing it.
use two pol connectors and a length of high pressure hose . then lift the full bottle upside down and open the valves . .i have a winch set up in my garage just for doing it.

How do you know when the bottle is 80% full?
first look at the bottle there should be a tare weight . then check by weighing the empty bottle . then fill till its got the right amount of gas. if its a 13 kg of gas put 12kg in .or 13 if youwant. if you are filling a part bottle look for tare weight .weight the bottle decide how much is in .then add the required amount.
cheers alan.
How do you decant gas from a 47Kg bottle without a pump?

as alan says,
i find it best to fill a empty bottle, let all the pressure out first safely in the open/outdoors and you should get a full fill, otherwise the pressures will equalise and stop the transfer
How do you know when the bottle is 80% full?

you have to weigh the bottle and deduct the tare weight which will be stamped on the bottle and usually have a disc around the outlet valve with a test date and the tare weight,
i fill till hydrolickly(spelling) full then let the over filled gas/liquid out, but be careful coz a cold burn is no fun and could muck up your holiday
So its pol to pol 47KG upside down. Will you be able to decant all the 47KG this way?
I have just been on the phone to Flogas in Newcastle.

They told me that they have an Autogas pump and it is 58.9p per litre.

Gas for heating and domestic use is VAT rated at around 5% and for vehicle use at 17.5% (soon to be 20%).

The Calor depot in Newcastle sells gas at around 43p per litre. The only problem is that I cannot get my motorhome close enough to the pump. The hose will not stretch around the van. I cannot do anything about it as it is a one way traffic system
well drive in backwards .you will only be going one way. come on book up mainstay. you are letting the side down. hee hee cheers alan.
stiil cheaper to fill a cylinder at auto gas pumps (although its not permitted?)
say 60p a litre so thats £1.20 a KG so to fill a 6 KG is £7.20 not the £18.00 calor charge some make up on that hey
but you are not permitted to fill cylinders at a forecourt pump, (so dont let the student running the pumps see you, probably dosnt know anyhow)

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