Wanted gaslow system


If anyone is selling a full gaslow system
with 2x 11kg bottles please let me know.
There are other systems beside Gaslow :rolleyes: Fez autogas in Caernavon sells a couple of different ones.
thats the way to do it. thought i,d wait .hard hats on low flying flack coming over. dont forget the adaptors for abroad. duck! i can feel one coming anytime. ha ha cheers alan.
Anyone using one of these adapters from Finland? would love to hear how you are getting on with it ...

you have been able to buy adaptors in uk for years .i have been using them since the 1970,s look ion ebay there are a few i use one now from a chap in nelson lancs . pm, for a number if you want it. cheers alan.
all the gas bottles in the world get filled ,if not they would all be empty. yes you can fill bottles . you could strap the bottle down it would be as fixed as a gaslow. even gaslow sell the bits to fill any bottle but dont tell you if you are interested in their bottles. its not a new thing . all over the world its possible to fill bottles . either from pumps at garages or at gas only stations . in some countries hey tip from one bottle to your as its how they do it. lpg hand pumps have been around for years i bought mine seconhand in the 70,s .hate to think how many litres its pumped. of course care attention as to be used its not something to be treated lightly. but you can and many do fill bottles .cheers alan.
you can fill them from a fixed bulk head fitting if it makes you feel better. lots do .then nobody see,s what you are doing.
the pump should turn off itself at a safe pressure . but anyway if the bottle is empty .you shoukld be able to know the kg of lpg .x that by two .13kg =26 litres . i stop at 24-5 and thats it. or by weighing the bottle and subtracting the tare weight. you know the contents. or just rely on the pump. i prefer empty bottles. filled loads . last winter one of the garages we used lent us the new spanish adaptor and the manager came out to watch. he couldnt under stand why we fill british bottles as spanish bottle gas is cheaper than from the pumps . but he was very interested in filling foreign bottles. cheers alan.
hi try doing an ebay search for red bottle gas fillers or lpg filler adapter . you can see what peoplre are using. it couldnt be easier. if you want to have a fixed bulkhead filler google autogas they do them. think there was a link on her earlier for one of the fillers . cheers alan.
We have 2 x 6kg bottles, we used the adaptor and filled one with 10 litres (2nd wasn't empty). I have been to we could go to 12 litres but I prefer to be cautious.

I would never fill a bottle that's not empty, at least then I know if I put 10 litres in I am safe.

Just a few salient points;
Gaslow bottles are specially designed to a cutoff of 80% volume for safety ie ensures gas take off, not liquid takeoff.
Also in event of a fire/explosion would the van insurance be valid? Don't forget Calor own the bottle and state that it should be filled by them.
you dont have to use calor bottles there are others in fact you can buy bottles outright from many german companies. as to insurance gas is gas what you gonna do ,say i filled it smack me . .if you have gaslow same implecations. you could have a tank supplied by calor i have one in my garage . it does not have an 80percent cut off they are new things . they also play up. pumps are designed to cut out at the garage anyway. but filling from empty is as safe as you can get. course if you are brain dead then best not do it. in fact if you could fill it fulland it expanded all bottles have a pressure release valve it leaks a bit of gas but would never explode by splitting the bottle. of course the leak could catch fire but thats like any leak . you should smell it. oh well lovelly day here in cornwall spent last night overlooking the see at bassets cove near portreath . lovely view. magic .cheers alan.
hi ***** , you should see the prices in germany . makes you want to go over and bring a few back .could be a lucrativ bussiness.
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The insurance company may? themselves be brain dead enough not to notice a non standard filler valve on a bottle, but then again maybe not. Unless it's removed first of course.
Don't the other gas bottle companies have the same conditions of use as Calor?
Do the overseas gas pumps automatically safety cut out?
Unfortunately not a few fillers of bottles being "illegally" filled have a leaning toward being brain dead, only it's difficult to identify them in order that I can keep well away.
you take the adaptor off after filling so you can use the bottle.. and yes all the pumps have a safety cut out. next time i see you i will show you a kit. you can buy bottles specialy for filling and some companies sell bottles to you. if you havent got a contract with a company then how can you be braking there rules. in fact how many of campers have got a 50 yr contract with say calor. they can up lift any bottle if you cant produce a contract. and it isnt illegal to fill bottles . calor may not like it but that doesnt make it illegal. reimo have been selling bottles for years . never bothered you before parking next to me. hee hee. cheers alan.
Calor eg state on the bottle "to be filled only by Calor" it doesn't mean you have a legal or indeed illegal contract with them but just that it is their rule, and is legally their bottle.
I know a few bods fill their own bottles but not all of them are genned up on gas bottle technicalities such as yourself, and it would be the brain dead amonst these that worry me.
The problems might arise at time of filling with adaptor attached.
The Caravan Club reckon it is in fact ILLEGAL to user refill Calor bottles and if true I would suggest by extension that it would be the same for other suppliers.
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When you fill a proprietary refillable bottle eg Gaslow it has a built in 80% safety cut off. This means that there are 2 safety measures auto cutoff at the pump and 1 in the bottle, almost fail safe you could say.
If you fill a non refillable bottle then there is only the pump cutoff.
This is obvious info. if you read the previous posts.
The Caravan Club state that it is illegal to user fill non refillable bottles... perhaps they are incorrect?
Petrol is at atmospheric pressure whilst in the car/van tank (apart from small changes caused by temperature variation)so the same conditions concerning safety don't apply.
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the caravan club may be right but calor are refillable . thats why they do exchange they fill them. the caravan club are good at giving crap info. bit like their 80-85 percent towing rule.. some cars cant tow that amount and some can tow 5or 6 times their unladen weight. they are good at missleading the majority of people. they also dont like home conversions or commercial vehicle based vehicles on their sites . arent most campers dirived from commercial vehicles . i take what they say with a pinch of salt. its like lots of things there are laws . people make rules that dont conform to laws .they cant be illegal if it doesnt break a law. as i said earlier i have a calor lpg car tank here with no 80percent cut off. as supplied by calor. so that seems to answer it for me. have fun wont be long our summer is comming. roll on november .already started getting supplies . whoopeeee. cheers alan.
But why should anyone believe you any more than the caravan club. they at least have a legal department.
You have just made the point without realising it ie "when calor gas fill the bottle" not when the user ie joe public refills.
It might do for you but it might not not do for the lawyers.
Don't forget the cheese for Dennis.
On an other forum it's stated that vehicles with inboard gas tanks are being inspected for conformity at refill stations overseas more specifically Germany....... with others to follow?
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calor gas to calor gas ( or another make ) converters ?

Does any one not about the kit needed to fill from the very large bottles into the smaller ones ? works out pence per ltr cheaper,than forecourt prices :D
you can tip one bottle into another but it never seems to get it all out. or you use an lpg pump. i have a krugg american lpg pump . sometimes pumps come up on e bay. all you really need is a pol connector to high pressure hose and another pol on the other end of hose . my neuighbour is doing at this very moment .taking gas from a 47kg bottle to a 13kg bottle. its very common in middle east asian ,african countries to tip one into other .then use the gas in the new bottle before returning it for the refund . sometimes it may take 2or 3 bottles to fill yours but usually the store keeper will then just charge you for the gas you have had .he keeps the other bottles and adjusts the price for the next customer.
Has anyone been stopped from pumping into a calor bottle directly in the uk or europe? this would be ideal, but if fitting a outside filling point would avoid attention i guess that would be the way to go . i was looking at an underfloor tank but this would work out much cheaper.


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