want some advice, started seeing a chick. :-)

Here we go again, lol, Xfactor?, celeb jungle? emmerdallas? corrie? forget it, turn the tv off, save your lecky and tune it to WC have ago forum lol
had no internet for days..by a miracle it came back on just now.

well that victor who said was was really personal stuff, i didnt think it was that personal, i have personally met alot of people on here, who have commented, and sort of know me. still dont think it was that personal. yeah i could have asked and sent sms to people i have known for years etc, but what was the point in that, just thought i would ask on here. i expected straight answers and got em.....simple, if you dont like a post, or dont want to comment, then just skip past.

twas a good weekend. im off on tue until fri, as someone is helping me do the inside of the van, so hopefully all will get done, and i can just little bits as and when to spruce it up, once the bed/sofa, cooking area etc is done then its usable :) hopefully before xmas, take kaye at the dogs to that spot we all met up other week in Newark by the river, and that nice little country pub on the back st.

I still feel the happiest i have felt for a couple of years, dogs and other people can see that in me too....or should i just keep that to myself as its private???
Anyone who has spent any time on this forum will know that the majority of people on here are very friendly, pleasant people who like to help each other. There are just a few miseries. Sometimes it's easier to talk to someone you don't know too well and who can therefore give you an unbiased opinion. I'm sure everyone wishes Cooljules really well.
Anyone who has spent any time on this forum will know that the majority of people on here are very friendly, pleasant people who like to help each other. There are just a few miseries. Sometimes it's easier to talk to someone you don't know too well and who can therefore give you an unbiased opinion. I'm sure everyone wishes Cooljules really well.
thanks, yes thats the way i felt hence i posted it on here. i still dont think it was really personal stuff, i just wanted peoples genuine thoughts on it, which i got. im off in a hour, back friday as someone is helping me with my van, so isnt that great, someone on this forum helping me like that.

now this is a really personal question i need advice on........shoes or cowboy boots? lol
It depends on who's wearing them and whether you want advice on putting them on or taking them off! :lol-053:

hehe were going out sat night, and she wont let me wear my all white miami vice suit....inc pastel t shirt, white deck shoes and sunglasses. so i said can i wear my cowboy boots (i had a pair in the late 80's when we first dated....bought from Macro lol)
hehe were going out sat night, and she wont let me wear my all white miami vice suit....inc pastel t shirt, white deck shoes and sunglasses. so i said can i wear my cowboy boots (i had a pair in the late 80's when we first dated....bought from Macro lol)

Oh dear, its breaking down already - what on earth can she object to in that very tasteful outfit? She'll be refusing to do your laundry and make you cook your own breakfast next - get out while you can! :)
Oh dear, its breaking down already - what on earth can she object to in that very tasteful outfit? She'll be refusing to do your laundry and make you cook your own breakfast next - get out while you can! :)

hehe. i used to wear bright coloured suits 20 years ago when i was with her then. she said i looked a prat even in the 80's and it WAS fashion:)

we both used to drink pernod in those days (i can even remember the pub we went to on our very first date when she was 15). we get on so well now. even her mom is happy, as she can see shes happy, and it seems, (and hell hasnt frozen over yet) that her dad is warming to the idea.... lol

all her work colleges say she looks happier, all my mates say the same about me. but were just taking it one day at a time..........not rushing things. but i feel like a lovestruck teenager again, and even at my old age, didnt think it happened to people this old.
i feel like a lovestruck teenager again, and even at my old age, didnt think it happened to people this old.

Now you're really beginning to annoy me - you're just a baby!!! And, as for old people feeling young in the company of their partners, I can match you on that any time - and I have a bus pass! Enjoy!

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Now you're really beginning to annoy me - you're just a baby!!! And, as for old people feeling young in the company of their partners, I can match you on that any time - and I have a bus pass! Enjoy!


hehe sorry.

i arrived at Leigh about 1230, scotsy who offered to help me spent about 2 hours laughing at my DIY skills. anyway we got cracking and got a lot done, the kitchen area is solid and safe, the rear storage area and toilet room are secure. tomorrow we make the sofa bed :) its already starting to take shape!!! got some great items he didnt need, so in feb, before i go down south fossil hunting, and after the new year meet ups i will redo the kitchen area (i made it v v low) and have a nice better cooking rings and a oven etc. nice cuboards and drawers too! the main thing is getting the usable for the late dec meet up, bed, cooking and water....the cosmetics can wait!!! :)

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