want some advice, started seeing a chick. :-)

My advice is what has already been advised .... make the most of a relationship if it makes you happy!
Your van and dogs will still be there if it all goes pear shaped!
Hi Jules,

Best thing for a bad back - keep something warm and soft against it at night (Less hairy than Arthur) and the odd bit of vigorous exercise:lol-053:

As said before stop whining and go and enjoy.

Hi Jules,

Best thing for a bad back - keep something warm and soft against it at night (Less hairy than Arthur) and the odd bit of vigorous exercise:lol-053:

As said before stop whining and go and enjoy.


had a back bad since i fell 25' and broke it in 4 places about 15years ago. a Tens machine is good but costs a fortune in batts and new sticky pads. i do use german pferd balsom (horse cream) which does help. old age doesnt help either lol
had a back bad since i fell 25' and broke it in 4 places about 15years ago. a Tens machine is good but costs a fortune in batts and new sticky pads. i do use german pferd balsom (horse cream) which does help. old age doesnt help either lol

OLD AGE??????? you class 40 as old age?, oh dear CJ, you have a screw loose mate, you may have back problems but you are not old, me finks your continous whingin is gunna scare that lass of big time, get a grip lad
had a back bad since i fell 25' and broke it in 4 places about 15years ago. a Tens machine is good but costs a fortune in batts and new sticky pads. i do use german pferd balsom (horse cream) which does help. old age doesnt help either lol

Bit off topic but can't you get something from Maplins to run it off mains
Go for it, Jules! (As long as she loves Arthur!!) If it's meant to be, it will be, and you can enjoy yourselves in the meantime, whatever happens in the future.

Go for it, Jules! (As long as she loves Arthur!!) If it's meant to be, it will be, and you can enjoy yourselves in the meantime, whatever happens in the future.


yeah she gets on really well with arthur n wittmann. they like her too. im picking her up tomorrow and shes up for the weekend, shes had flu all week pretty bad but just getting better so had a week off work, so can look after her.. make sure she eats :)

i asked her the other week if she would come with me, to see my granddad who now has bad Alz and in a special home, she said yeah so we went, i find it very hard to go alone, so the staff at the home think i still live in germany and an only visit him when im back. She knew both my grandparents and got on well. It was so nice she came with me.

She doesnt work too far from me (known that for years as i would see her as i use a couple of shops down that area, but would never stop or talk), so if im ok about midday, i drive down to where she works, with the dogs and we goto the cafe. little things like that, have a quick run with the dogs etc. she never usually has dinner, just a few cigs, but will tell her mom she has, but i make sure she has something to eat and tell her mom if she hasnt lol her mom always sort of liked me, she knew i wasnt really a bad lad when i was 18 but her dad never. she really likes my jokes and one liners i could out with, like i did 20 years ago, actually she says they are not funny at all, just like 20 years ago lol

no idea what the future holds, but the last 2 xmas have been a nightmare, just alone and seeing everyone else seeming to be happy when im out. i still dont celebrate xmas, but at least this xmas i wont be as misrable and sat in the house with a bottle or 2 of vodka just trying to get so drunk until xmas has gone.

spoke to her earlier and asked her one question with a straight answer, was my bad back and lack of cash a problem to her, she said not at all, she likes me for who i am. bugger, that proves shes mad and needs to goto the funny farm lol
dont tell she need to go to funny farm you will miss her

had a back bad since i fell 25' and broke it in 4 places about 15years ago. a Tens machine is good but costs a fortune in batts and new sticky pads. i do use german pferd balsom (horse cream) which does help. old age doesnt help either lol

ok know what you going through have you tried rechargeable batterys they do come in different amp hour and please dont laugh ok use painkiller patches ok have sign script in two places ok time they been on a few days and been washed a few times they start to peel at edges tried all sort of medical tape to stick them down no joy so now use brown parcel tape it works and water proof as i find a hot abath eases the back so can be in a long time constant top up with hot water look even more wrinkly when iget out lol
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Hi CJ,

Re your back, I have quite a serious leg problem and take prescription pain killers etc, 16 a day plus injections a couple of times a year.

I find that when I talk to others who have a pain problem they are usually treated by a GP, no problem there. However most hospitals run a pain clinic but you usual have to ask the GP to refer you to get an appointment as it's not automatic.

I suggest you ask for an appointment. The specialists like the challenge of getting the treatment right. On my first assessment I had an hour with the specialist his assistant and the nurse, a whole hour discussing the type of pain that was bothering me.

In my opinion that's service and the NHS at it's best, give it a go. I'm sure you won't be wasting your time.

Now then your mind problem about your lady, I aggree with what the others have said.

Never mind about looking a gift horse in the mouth your booking a dentist appointment as well!

Relax, enjoy and take it as it comes it's obviously your turn for some luck.

All the best

My GP told me when I was 17 I had a sliped disc gave me painkillers and sent me for physiotherapy which made it worse. A few years later he told me I had sciatica, more painkillers and ibuprofen. A few years later I was just a chronic back pain sufferer and there wasnt much more could be done. When I reached my mid 40's I saw a locum doctor cos my usual GP was on holiday, he refered me to the hospital. A specialist had x-rays done, examined mine spine (for 2 minutes) and diagnosed my illness and had blood tests done which confirmed this, turned out I had a genetic illness, I was put on proper medication and still attend the clinic every six months. I am now on a pilot project (a new anti-TNF drug) and its improved my quality of life immensely.

Guess what I think of GP's....NOT PRINTABLE!!

I spent years suffering avoidable pain because a medical jack of all trades thought he knew best. I would recommend EVERYONE to ask to be refered to a specialist and if you dont get any joy ask to see another doctor until you do see a specialist. It's YOUR body and you only live once.

Many specialists who deal with back pain sufferers will tell you it's quite common for people to suffer for years before they are properly diagnosed...Shocking but true.
i am lucky where i live that there is a good spinal unit not to far away and did get to see specialist then got refered on now waiting to have injections but have to go in for minor op on 1st dec for something just hope it improves my albilty so joules get on to them if doc no good then just go to casultya few times for pain killer they soon get message

pn side note some doc are useless i am lactose intolerant not a problemfor me i used to it i live on my own but did call doc out one weekendand had taken me ten mins to get down and back up the stairs to let him in ok i see you cant get out then i give you something from the car and he gave me some with lactose in that was after me telling him
Hi CJ,

I'm sorry mate, but I totally disagree with all the other comments on here. I think your ladyfriend would be much happier with someone like me, so please ask her to pm me, and we can arrange to meet up!

Seriously though, from what I've seen on here you seem to be a genuine type of guy, and it very much seems that you have found your true soulmate. From what you say, it also seems that she has also found her true soulmate in you! It's not as if you are strangers. You have been together in the past, then spent years apart, each with plenty of time to "meet the right person" if that was to be, but you have miraculously come back together again!

Please take my advice......Firstly, show this lady some respect by believing her when she says that your problems don't bother her! Secondly, accept the fact that she is genuinely happier when she is with you, so don't try to convince yourself that she'd be happier without you!!

As others have said, stop having these doubts, or they will only help to drive you apart, which would be the completely wrong outcome for both of you. If you're still not convinced, then just try to imagine how your life would feel if she was no longer a part of it.
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My advice is to go for it, be yourself, and stop posting your private life online.......right or wrong make your own decisions and if she can
handle the real you then you'll be ok. Most girls don't like to find out you've be discussing your relationship with strangers.....if you must seek advice,
do so with someone you can rely on to give you a straight answer in confidence....private message if necessary...not on a public forum.

My advice is to go for it, be yourself, and stop posting your private life online.......right or wrong make your own decisions and if she can
handle the real you then you'll be ok. Most girls don't like to find out you've be discussing your relationship with strangers.....if you must seek advice,
do so with someone you can rely on to give you a straight answer in confidence....private message if necessary...not on a public forum.

Well said Viktor, oooooops, am i allowed to say that?, i am agreeing with you, someone will be along shortly to have ago at me no doubt lol
This reads just like fiction:scared::fun::fun::rockroll:
Anybody remember Dear Diedre or Marj Proops

:lol-049: yeah it does, soooooo glad you said that *****, and not me, KP (mary) pass the hat to ***** lol,
This reads just like fiction:scared::fun::fun::rockroll:
Anybody remember Dear Diedre or Marj Proops

Who is Dear Diedre or Marj Proops? I cannot figure out why some of you guys are laughing. Am I out of touch with something? (?????)

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