awwwwww what a lovely message,
Thank you. How sweet of you!
awwwwww what a lovely message,
Hi Jules,
Best thing for a bad back - keep something warm and soft against it at night (Less hairy than Arthur) and the odd bit of vigorous exercise:lol-053:
As said before stop whining and go and enjoy.
had a back bad since i fell 25' and broke it in 4 places about 15years ago. a Tens machine is good but costs a fortune in batts and new sticky pads. i do use german pferd balsom (horse cream) which does help. old age doesnt help either lol
had a back bad since i fell 25' and broke it in 4 places about 15years ago. a Tens machine is good but costs a fortune in batts and new sticky pads. i do use german pferd balsom (horse cream) which does help. old age doesnt help either lol
Go for it, Jules! (As long as she loves Arthur!!) If it's meant to be, it will be, and you can enjoy yourselves in the meantime, whatever happens in the future.
had a back bad since i fell 25' and broke it in 4 places about 15years ago. a Tens machine is good but costs a fortune in batts and new sticky pads. i do use german pferd balsom (horse cream) which does help. old age doesnt help either lol
My advice is to go for it, be yourself, and stop posting your private life online.......right or wrong make your own decisions and if she can
handle the real you then you'll be ok. Most girls don't like to find out you've be discussing your relationship with strangers.....if you must seek advice,
do so with someone you can rely on to give you a straight answer in confidence....private message if necessary...not on a public forum.
Well said Viktor, oooooops, am i allowed to say that?, i am agreeing with you, someone will be along shortly to have ago at me no doubt lol
LOL, hope not, but just in case, maybe this might help???
World War 2 ARP Air Raid Wardens 'Tin Hat' Helmet. VERO 1 1939 Issue | eBay
This reads just like fiction:scared::fun::fun::rockroll:
Anybody remember Dear Diedre or Marj Proops
This reads just like fiction:scared::fun::fun::rockroll:
Anybody remember Dear Diedre or Marj Proops
This reads just like fiction:scared::fun::fun::rockroll:
Anybody remember Dear Diedre or Marj Proops