Vpn not working

Live TV

Hi, as for live tv if you install the latest mobdro there's lots on there without needing VPN....been using it along east and south coasts......Maja
Hi, as for live tv if you install the latest mobdro there's lots on there without needing VPN....been using it along east and south coasts......Maja

Thanks, but wifi is needed. I presume ... I'm now sorted with Iampatman's suggestion of Surf Easy. It was the simplest of all the ones I tried and am now the happy recipient of several iPlayer programmes to see me through the dark nights here in Spain!

Again, thanks to everyone for help and advice :wave:
Rather than using a vpn try switching browser to duck duck go if available on win,it is on linux,it hides your ip.
Oh forgot to say its good for watching them dirty mucky,opps i mean gardening programes.:scared:
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Hi, as for live tv if you install the latest mobdro there's lots on there without needing VPN....been using it along east and south coasts......Maja

Mobdro is good but I think it only works on Android devices?

As the only person on here to hold a degree in stoopid, what is a "VPN" ?

Its basically a way of making it look like your computer is in a different country so if your in Spain when you connect to bbc iPlayer via your VPN (software) the BBC "should" see you as someone connecting from the UK, not Spain so it will allow you to watch stuff as if you were at home as bbci does not officially work abroad.
Mean BBC

Its basically a way of making it look like your computer is in a different country so if your in Spain when you connect to bbc iPlayer via your VPN (software) the BBC "should" see you as someone connecting from the UK, not Spain so it will allow you to watch stuff as if you were at home as bbci does not officially work abroad.

Shame on the BBC. None of the above should be necessary.
If you have a current TV licence you should be entitled to the service wherever you are in the world.
I believe you now have to confirm you have a licence to use the iPlayer service.
I don't know if that extends to actually entering your licence number, but if it does there is no excuse for blocking the service when you are outside the UK.
If iPlayer does not ask for your licence number then adding that part would allow access for licence holders worldwide. Maybe they would even gain some new non-UK customers?
Yes, it's ridiculous. If I'm in Spain I can't be watching the service I've paid for in England. Even there, if you want to watch iPlayer you have to say you have a licence. No licence number required. Yet ...

“Rights agreements, complex technical issues, legal issues” Blah Blah Blah. So the BBC spend what I guess is an incredible amount of money on software to prevent Johnny Foreigner watching Blue Planet or something whilst at the same time irritating UK folk who might be in a strange land and wanting to watch the same programme. Then us irritated folk spend money on software to work around the issue. Couldn’t they just ask for a license number if they identified someone accessing the service from France/Spain/Nicaragua or wherever?

Can anyone explain this? While I'm trying to sort a vpn, paying money etc, my travel buddy is sat in her van watching television on her phone! No wifi, but loads of data. Accessing iPlayer too, not catchuptv ... now I don't begrudge her (honestly 😩) but how's it happening? She watched three episodes of Macmafia after I'd sat in a bar for ages to download it!

....Carol, why don't you knock on her door and ask ? Maja

Of course I've asked her but she hasn't a clue! I don't think she even gets why I'm so intrigued by it!

Because it is a UK tel no and as you say using her data allowance

Wi-fi uses a router In Spain so the BBC sees the IP address of the router and knows it is in Spain

VPN is used so you can choose a UK router/server and so fool the BBC
Hi Carol, ok....data...we have 50gb at home with our mifi box but can only use 15Gb abroad under the "fair usage" policy. Streaming tv uses loads of data so she may run out quickly if she restricted as we are. However, a couple of days ago someone was boasting about their ability to use 40Gb via their Vodaphone contract but was £40 a month. I'd be interested in what contract she has and with whom, and how much data for what cost ? Maja
I've got IPVanishVPN, set the server to London but iplayer still not allowing access. Anyone any ideas why? I'm on an Aire with great wifi and was hoping to download a few programmes tonight. I've messaged the support centre but doubt they'll get back in time. Any ideas welcome!

I've had the same problem! If you look at the message that comes up on I player when you try to access it says something like you are not in the UK or are using a van - big brother, or rather auntie, knows what you are trying to do.
Where are you? x
Rather than using a vpn try switching browser to duck duck go if available on win,it is on linux,it hides your ip.
Oh forgot to say its good for watching them dirty mucky,opps i mean gardening programes.:scared:

I tried DuckDuckGo but BBC still knew I was outside UK grrr!
I tried DuckDuckGo but BBC still knew I was outside UK grrr!

Not surprising as duckduckgo is a search engine that does not track your searches, equally tor browser does not work because it uses a random country route to hide your identity and location so to the BBC it always loos as if you are not in the UK

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