Valladolid peeing in Plaza Mayor !

We look after little dogs often. It is impossible to stop a dog peeing or marking, impossible.
We look after little dogs often. It is impossible to stop a dog peeing or marking, impossible.
Utter nonsense all it takes is a bit of diligence on the dog owners part and training. If that''s beyond you then simply don't take them where they can p iss on other peoples belongings. No wonder dogs are not welcome in many places if you are not willing to put in the effort.
My dogs were not allowed to do it which were GSDs and Tibetan terriers.
Not me , my dog . She peed when crossing the square a 'concerned citizen' pulled me up . Initially I'd no idea what he was talking about and told him , in Spanish.
He wasn't having that and ripped into me again , obviously , in Spanish.
Got the gist that you have to throw water over the pee .
Not sure how I was supposed to know that .
It’s definitely a Spanish thing as my son lived in Alicante & he always took a bottle of water out when he walked her. We made sure we did it recently
Not me , my dog . She peed when crossing the square a 'concerned citizen' pulled me up . Initially I'd no idea what he was talking about and told him , in Spanish.
He wasn't having that and ripped into me again , obviously , in Spanish.
Got the gist that you have to throw water over the pee .
Not sure how I was supposed to know that .

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