Travellers set up camp near Blackpool.

The lockdown rules came into effect around eight weeks ago,for travellers that meant,stay where you are and services will be provided,those rules haven't changed. How can these people not be ignoring the rules if they've just turned up?
they could be all carriers, yes co 19.from them. make sure, the council know.they could be. find the tip. ok.pj. to put the rubbish.
They were aware of what the government said and one mentioned this to the police. The police said if they didn't move they would be arrested and their vehicles impounded. You know what that would mean to a full timer. Its once thing to have rights but when the law of the land isn't going to enforce them you either move or go to jail
They were aware of what the government said and one mentioned this to the police. The police said if they didn't move they would be arrested and their vehicles impounded. You know what that would mean to a full timer. Its once thing to have rights but when the law of the land isn't going to enforce them you either move or go to jail
Maybe if they had stayed where they were at the start of lockdown the police would have left them alone. They had broken the law when they turned up at Blackpool, so incurring the police action. If they had been there from day 1 that would have been a different matter, but they broke the rules by moving & the police were right to act against them. They should have been fined anyway for their actions. Like its been said already, if you or I had done that we would have been in trouble. The law must be applied to everyone equally & without favour or it will not be seen as fair.
I believe they break the law wherever they are, theft, trespass, threatening behaviour to name a few... and of course, everyone of them is bang up to date with their tax and N.I. payments but let's keep on bending over backwards, providing schooling, health care, free land, clean-ups involving detoxifying land etc etc and a wagon-load of blind eyes and turned backs...
Yes councils were supposed to make sure they were okay at the start of the lockdown but this has not been applied across the board. I do know some full timers who have been treated properly by councils and police but I also know Wiltshire council (with police) moved some friends on, when one asked where they should go as the government are saying stay put a councillor turned round and said 'You are a traveller aren't you so go a f'ing travel somewhere else'. These were not romany/gypsy travellers (nt that it should have made a difference but full timers.
That nicely illustrates my point , odds are the Blackpool set may have been moved on rather than voluntary moved on
Always a thorny problem.

We don't know the full story behind this particular encampment so shouldn't jump to any conclusions.

It's quite likely that their needs haven't been catered for - they weren't even before lockdown, and lockdown hasn't made things easy for anybody, let alone travelling folk.

On the other hand they could just be sticking two fingers up.

Let's hope they manage to settle it quickly and without too much damage either way.
They ALWAYS stick two fingers up. These people don't give a damn about anybody but themselves. Wherever they stay they leave mounds of litter and more unsavoury items. wherever they were, they should have stayed there and kept well away from normal, hard working folk who are far more entitled to use these parking areas.
We had travelers here at one of our parks in Brighton after a week i saw police come issuing them with a notice
Next day council arrived with a portaloo and dustbins
Now there are 3 more caravans than originally
No idea where you live ,BUT every point you make doesn’t apply to the settled commmunity then ?
No idea where you live ,BUT every point you make doesn’t apply to the settled commmunity then ?
That's an easy one to answer. I pay, in full and on time for: All my fuel, food, water, sewage, local taxes [so my rubbish is collected and treated according to the law]. Via same local taxes I contribute to the upkeep and running of schools, public swimming pools, libraries, parks, road repairs, police, and much more. Via my National Insurance I expect a meagre pension. On the rare occasion when driving a police officer requests me to stop I do just that, not make off in a manner that any sane person would describe as 'reckless and with zero regard to anyone or anything else'.

If you are asking whether there are people deemed as 'settled' that commit crime then of course there are. However, these figures are interesting: "Travellers make up 0.6 per cent of the population yet account for 10 per cent of the male prisoner population and 22 per cent of the female prison population". 'Nuff said...
That's an easy one to answer. I pay, in full and on time for: All my fuel, food, water, sewage, local taxes [so my rubbish is collected and treated according to the law]. Via same local taxes I contribute to the upkeep and running of schools, public swimming pools, libraries, parks, road repairs, police, and much more. Via my National Insurance I expect a meagre pension. On the rare occasion when driving a police officer requests me to stop I do just that, not make off in a manner that any sane person would describe as 'reckless and with zero regard to anyone or anything else'.

If you are asking whether there are people deemed as 'settled' that commit crime then of course there are. However, these figures are interesting: "Travellers make up 0.6 per cent of the population yet account for 10 per cent of the male prisoner population and 22 per cent of the female prison population". 'Nuff said...
I you want to throw figures about why not try and dig deeper? The figures include those on remand, understandable really given the transient nature of travellers

20 tonnes of waste removed from Bournemouth beach the settled community on s day out..I’m sure we can twist that to blame the travelling community
I you want to throw figures about why not try and dig deeper? The figures include those on remand, understandable really given the transient nature of travellers

20 tonnes of waste removed from Bournemouth beach the settled community on s day out..I’m sure we can twist that to blame the travelling community
To be candid I know who stole virtually all of my tools and other possessions and where they were from as did the spineless authorities. My life was hell for years, turning my place into a fortress. To avoid any chance of it happening again I've moved a long long away from my life-long pals, old flames, family graves, my familiar haunts and memories. I shouldn't have had to do that but darn glad that I did. I have every sympathy for others similarly blighted. My stomach churns when I read about it on here... so much so in fact I'lll not return to this particular forum... life is too short.
Our little gathering on the Common that arrived on Monday left on Friday. I have to say the council are getting better at this.
Following on from this I understand they left quite quickly because the local youths decided to move them on and a bit of a free for all occured. The police are asking for witnesses and are investigating, but not very hard.
On our tour of NI and ROI. 2017
We stayed at Belleek harbour. Nice spot and i got talking to a local who was working on his boat.
He was surprised we could get in (height barriers open).
They have had problems with travellers and (his words) "We and others do not leave our houses.... because of fear of theft and damage".
He also explained the travellers were "persuaded to move on" by a local farmer who arrived with and deployed his muck-spreader one night !
That is the problem SOME travellers are simply selfish and lawless..other not so .
I you want to throw figures about why not try and dig deeper? The figures include those on remand, understandable really given the transient nature of travellers

20 tonnes of waste removed from Bournemouth beach the settled community on s day out..I’m sure we can twist that to blame the travelling community
oh so thats it is it. dont blame me, oh yes there is cr-p all over?
as i move away . start whistlen. its over. but nothing left. inten-,nerents. well they speak for them selves, ask about warwick race course, and how much to clean up
the mess,i dont no but. ok pj.
That old chestnut rearing it’s ugly head again.
I have found that tarring groups of people all the same is flawed in the extreme.
Much of the dislike of travellers comes from fear and ignorance, and a media that creates a bias against them. Like all human beings everywhere we all have similar traits, and we all have differences of personality within each and every community. There are good and bad everywhere.

I remember reading a book about an American soldier who fought against the Japanese in world war 2. He thought of them all as the same, just brainwashed animals who had to be killed. Until one day he was confronted with a dead Japanese soldier. He found his wallet and in it were pictures of his wife and his two daughters, and a signed photo of his favourite Japanese baseball player. He immediately realised that this man loved his wife and his children just as he did, and he also was a baseball fan just like he was. (Baseball is big in Japan).

Yes there are travellers who are criminals, wife beaters, thieves, conmen, who leave their mess wherever they go, who never pay taxes but expect their kids to be educated, and receive medical treatment as required. But I know folk in our own community who you could tag with all of the above.

The fact is for hundreds of years they have been treated poorly by us, and this has created distrust and downright loathing from both sides. The nazis persecuted them killing hundreds of thousands.

Yes I have experienced poor behaviour from the travelling community, but I see things from our own every day, that are also poor behaviour. Live and let live.
Our little gathering on the Common that arrived on Monday left on Friday. I have to say the council are getting better at this.

Many years ago, a bunch of them decided to park on the IBM playing fields in Havant. (no longer there)
A sargeant from Havant police arrived in a land rover defender with a couple of other PC's.
Chain out and round the A frame on one caravan and start to drive away pulling it.
Within minutes they surrendered and agreed to go. They did so within a very short time.

That copper had balls of steel. But it worked almost instantly.

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