That's an easy one to answer. I pay, in full and on time for: All my fuel, food, water, sewage, local taxes [so my rubbish is collected and treated according to the law]. Via same local taxes I contribute to the upkeep and running of schools, public swimming pools, libraries, parks, road repairs, police, and much more. Via my National
Insurance I expect a meagre pension. On the rare occasion when driving a police officer requests me to stop I do just that, not make off in a manner that any sane person would describe as 'reckless and with zero regard to anyone or anything else'.
If you are asking whether there are people deemed as 'settled' that commit crime then of course there are. However, these figures are interesting: "Travellers make up 0.6 per cent of the population yet account for 10 per cent of the male prisoner population and 22 per cent of the female prison population". 'Nuff said...