This thread is really turning into a nightmare for me!! Firstly I have dim and distant memories of school homework brought back to the fore, then try as I might to ignore the mention of NVQ, it is repeated in further posts!!
I had the unfortunate priviledge of being an NVQ Assessor for around 14 years. It was just one of the many and varied requirements and responsibilities in my job description (sorry...."rolemap"). In the old days, a new starter/recruit/trainee would be trained in the traditional manner, learning as they went along and being given periodic exams and practical trials etc to guage their abilities and weaknesses. Progress reports would be submitted and the on-the-job training adapted in a common-sense manner to suit their needs. Where necessary, a good ear-bashing or kick up the backside would be administered to suitably aid their progression!
When NVQs came along, we as supervisors/instructors/assessors actually had to be
nice to the recruit/trainee (sorry "candidate"). The first thing they were told was that there was no time-limit to their training schedule. If they needed six years to reach the competency level that had previously taken four years, that was no problem or cause for concern. It simply meant that they had individual training needs that were different to others. The most unbelievable part of it all was the amount of paperwork that had to be completed by the trainee/candidate and the instructor/assessor for every tiny stage of their development, especially in the early years of NVQ! (Any of my old work colleagues who care for my wellbeing know better than to say anything NVQ related to me!).
To be fair to anyone who has been developed through the NVQ process, the general principle of it all was good. It provided documented evidence that they were competent in the knowledge requirements and practical skills needed for their particular area of work. It was (and probably still is) the the most mind-numbing process of training and development that has ever existed. Nearly all of the recruits/trainees that went through the process hated it almost as much as we did! If you hear anyone saying good things about the actual NVQ process, my advice would be to humour them, but try to walk away slowly to a place of safety!
As we are getting ever closer to Christmas, let's try to have no more depressing talk of homework or NVQs. Let's try to cheer up this thread by talking of more jolly subjects, such as Health and Safety Regs, Risk Assessments etc. (And just pray that Santa doesn't have to become NVQ qualified, or Risk Assessed!)
Merry Christmas to Wildcampers everywhere!! :king: :fun: :king: